Fashions of 1934 Overview:

Fashions of 1934 (1934) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by William Dieterle and produced by Henry Blanke.

Fashions of 1934 BlogHub Articles:

Musical Monday: Fashions of 1934 (1934)

on Apr 3, 2023 From Comet Over Hollywood

It?s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 600. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week?s musical: Fashions of 1934 (1934) ? Mu... Read full article

Modas de 1934 / Fashions of 1934

By L? on Mar 28, 2013 From Critica Retro

Modas de 1934 / Fashions of 1934 A rela??o do cinema com a moda come?ou na d?cada de 1920, quando pela primeira vez as mo?as da plateia se inspiraram nas atrizes para criarem sua forma de vestir. Desde ent?o, foi sempre o cinema que inspirou a moda de diversas maneiras. Ou quase sempre. Numa s... Read full article

Modas de 1934 / Fashions of 1934

By L? on Mar 28, 2013 From Critica Retro

Modas de 1934 / Fashions of 1934 A rela??o do cinema com a moda come?ou na d?cada de 1920, quando pela primeira vez as mo?as da plateia se inspiraram nas atrizes para criarem sua forma de vestir. Desde ent?o, foi sempre o cinema que inspirou a moda de diversas maneiras. Ou quase sempre. Numa... Read full article

Pre-Code: Fashions of 1934(1934).

By Dawn on Dec 11, 2011 From Noir and Chick Flicks

Fashions of 1934(1934). Pre-Code/musical/comedy directed by William Dieterle with musical numbers created and directed by Busby Berkeley. Based on the story The Fashion Plate by Harry Collins and Warren Duff. Cast: William Powell and Bette Davis. Sherwood Nash's, New York investment business hits h... Read full article

Fashions of 1934

By Angela on Nov 13, 2011 From Hollywood Revue

What do you do when the investment firm you own goes under?? Why, naturally you decide to get into the fashion game!? Well, at least that’s what Sherwood Nash (William Powell) does.? When he meets aspiring fashion designer Lynn Mason (Bette Davis), Sherwood, Lynn, and Sherwood’s partner ... Read full article

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Quotes from Fashions of 1934

No Quote for this film.

Facts about Fashions of 1934

'Eula Gay' is in studio records for the role "Cook" but does not appear in the movie.
Preview copies of the film listed Gene Markey and Katharine Scola as writers, but it was announced later they had nothing to do with the film. The Screen Writers' Guild was asked to take action against Warner Bros. for this breach of rules.
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