Batman and Robin Overview:

Batman and Robin (1949) was a Serials Film directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet and produced by Sam Katzman.

Batman and Robin BlogHub Articles:

Batman and Robin (1949, Spencer Gordon Bennet)

By Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 21, 2018 From The Stop Button

Batman and Robin is fifteen chapters; all together, it?s just under four and a half hours. It is not a rewarding four and a half hours. Not at all. Of the fourteen credited actors, one gives a good performance. Don C. Harvey. He gets to be chief henchman for a while. But not even half of the serial.... Read full article

Batman and Robin (1949, Spencer Gordon Bennet), Chapter 15: Batman Victorious

By Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 19, 2018 From The Stop Button

For a few minutes in Batman Victorious, which is mostly a chase sequence?the invisible (though only temporarily) Wizard is on the run from Batman and the cops. There are some questionable (but more ambitious than anything else in the serial) invisible man special effects and a more lively feel to th... Read full article

Batman and Robin (1949, Spencer Gordon Bennet), Chapter 14: Batman vs. Wizard!

By Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 17, 2018 From The Stop Button

Okay, I?m not wrong?wheelchair-bound, ornery scientist William Fawcett really does just walk around in front of everyone and no one reacts. He?s been zapping himself with electricity to regain use of his legs, making him a suspect for being masked, supercriminal the Wizard. Except only to the audien... Read full article

Batman and Robin (1949, Spencer Gordon Bennet), Chapter 13: The Wizard’s Challenge!

By Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 16, 2018 From The Stop Button

If the Wizard has any challenge in The Wizard?s Challenge!, it?s outsmarting Batman and Robin. It doesn?t take much as it turns out. Especially not with Robin (Johnny Duncan) playing with a toy truck when he?s supposed to be on guard duty. See, the Wizard has stolen all the scientific equipment he n... Read full article

Batman and Robin (1949, Spencer Gordon Bennet), Chapter 12: Robin Rides the Wind

By Andrew Wickliffe on Apr 12, 2018 From The Stop Button

The chapter title, Robin Rides the Wind, got me hoping Robin would jump out of a plane or something. Without a chute. Sad spoiler: he doesn?t. The chapter does clear one of the Wizard suspects, which would probably be more effective if the character?played by Michael Whalen?appeared more often. He d... Read full article

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Quotes from Batman and Robin

Robin: What's botherin' you?
Batman: Harrison's safety. The Wizard must have heard that broadcast - perhaps he even inspired it.
Robin: Harrison's decision really must have knocked the props out from under his blackmail scheme.
Batman: Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of. What's to prevent the Wizard from attacking Harrison on his way here?
Robin: Batman and Robin might.

Batman: Run the usual test for invisible ink. I'll change and go entertain Vicki.
Robin: You better be careful. I think she's beginning to get wise that Batman and Bruce Wayne are the same.
Batman: Well, if she gets too close, we know how to throw her off the trail.

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Facts about Batman and Robin

Batman drives a 1949 Mercury convertible throughout, but, in one instance, when the need arises, Robin shows up in a 1949 Mercury four-door sedan, which is apparently his own; meanwhile, the Wizard drives a 1949 Mercury two-door sedan; Winslow Harrison drives a 1949 four-door Lincoln sedan; and the cops use a number of 1949 Fords, all of them innovatingly styled products of the Ford Motor Company, who must have had the only new car dealership in Gotham City. The Wizard's henchmen make a lot of use out of a 1941 Lincoln 8 passenger sedan, while Vicki Vale must make the best of it with a 1939 Plymouth convertible.
If Robert Lowery's Batman costume seems a bit ill-fitting, it's because it was tailored for Kirk Alyn, a bigger man. Alyn starred as Superman in both of Columbia's Superman serials.
Vicki Vale would become a common character in the Batman comics after this film. Bob Kane based her on Marilyn Monroe, whom he met during the film's banquet.
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Also directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet

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Also produced by Sam Katzman

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