King of the Forest Rangers Overview:

King of the Forest Rangers (1946) was a Adventure - Action Film directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet and Fred C. Brannon and produced by Ronald Davidson.

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Quotes from

Forest Ranger Capt. Steve King: Who were they, Tom?
Tom Judson [Ch. 1]: They were after this rug and I think the man who sent them was...
[Tom dies]

[discussing a rug with pictographs embroidered on it]
Prof. Carver: What is your theory, Tom?
Tom Judson [Ch. 1]: Well, buried treasure. I still think that's kind of a plot to tell us how to find it.
Prof. Carver: Preposterous.
Tom Judson [Ch. 1]: Whatever that means. See, the trouble with you archeologists is you have too much education and not enough common horse sense.

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Chapter Titles:
  • 1. The Mystery of the Towers
  • 2. Shattered Evidence
  • 3. Terror By Night
  • 4. Deluge of Destruction
  • 5. Pursuit Into Peril
  • 6. Brink Of Doom
  • 7. Design For Murder
  • 8. The Flying Coffin
  • 9. S. O. S. Ranger
  • 10.The Death Detector
  • 11.The Flaming Pit
  • 12.Tower of Vengeance

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Also directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet

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Also released in 1946

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