Lucile Watson

Lucile Watson
(as Princess Bitotska)

Princess Bitotska: The Lafuentes have more of everything. In fact, most of their children were born with eleven fingers.

Richard Haydn

Richard Haydn
(as Emperor Franz)

Baron Holenia: [optimistically] In this, our moment of sorrow, I venture to offer some consolation. There will be other days. She'll give us some puppies yet.
Dr. Zwieback: Yes, that's the way to look at it. Come spring and we can count on another litter.
Emperor Franz-Josef: [sadly] Hmmm... the question is - can I count on another spring?

Bing Crosby

Bing Crosby
(as Virgil Smith)

Chamberlain: You're a nihilist - that's what you are!
Virgil Smith: I am not! I'm a Presbyterian!

Richard Haydn

Richard Haydn
(as Emperor Franz)

Emperor Franz-Josef: [about Virgil] We both agreed that with him you had only one chance in a million to be happy
Johanna Augusta Franziska: Your majesty thinks that I am happy? Isn't one chance in a million better than no chance at all?
Emperor Franz-Josef: My dear, you are much to pretty for mathematics.

Lucile Watson

Lucile Watson
(as Princess Bitotska)

Isabella: Who is he?
Elderly nobleman: The most vulgar, impossible, obnoxious, ill-mannered...
Princess Bitotska: In one word, he's an American!