Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh

Dr. Steve Harris: [flirtatiously on board a plane] Now you tell me where you live, and i'll pick you up.
Wally Cook: My dear doctor, I live on the front page of the Morning Chronicle.
Dr. Steve Harris: On the what?
Wally Cook: [Louder] On the front page of the Morning Chronicle, and you can pick me up for seven cents! Now climb back in your horse and buggy and try your bedside manner on someone else!
Dr. Steve Harris: [Hearing the screech of the wheels touching down on the runway] What was that?
Wally Cook: We just came down to Earth!

Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis

Oliver Stone: ...in a couple of hours the whole city of New York is going to be banging at the door howling for your blood!
Homer Flagg: Why, I ain't got enough for everybody!

Fred Clark

Fred Clark

Oliver Stone: Waiter! Bottle of ginger ale for Mr. Flagg!
Waiter: [disappointed that it's not champagne] Bottle of ginger ale for Mr. Flagg.
Oliver Stone: Domestic!

Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh

Oliver Stone: What if this kid doesn't die in three weeks? What if he just keeps on living?
Wally Cook: Why, I wouldn't let him do a thing like that to you, Oliver!
[Oliver does a reactive take]

Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis

Homer Flagg: [running excitedly around his expensive hotel suite] Another bathroom! So shiny, so clean you gotta wash up before you go in there!

Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis

Homer Flagg: [to Dr. Harris as he sees a skeleton in his office closet] You probably thought nothing was wrong with him either!

Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis

Homer Flagg: I wish I could go to New York with yuh.
Isaiah Jackson: Now, Homer, you're gonna be fillin' my shoes, stationmaster of Desert Hole!
Homer Flagg: [dejectedly] Yeah.
Isaiah Jackson: [optimistically] In exactly 52 years you'll be getting your pension. Then you'll be on your way to wine, women, and song.
Homer Flagg: In 52 years who'll be able to sing?

Jerry Lewis

Jerry Lewis

Homer Flagg: Oh, I'm feelin' much better this morning. I heard a bird sing.
Dr. Steve Harris: Yeah, I heard the same bird sing, Homer, - SING SING!
Homer Flagg: Wha - ho - unh! The fever's coming back!

Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh

Wally Cook: [to Homer] They'll boil you in oil in Macy's window after they marinate you for a week in Gimbel's.

Janet Leigh

Janet Leigh

Wally Cook: [to Oliver Stone] And there's always politics, Oliver. Think what it means to be a senator! Your mail goes for free.

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