Fred Clark Overview:

Character actor, Fred Clark, was born Frederic Leonard Clark on Mar 19, 1914 in Lincoln, CA. Clark died at the age of 54 on Dec 5, 1968 in Santa Monica, CA .


American supporting star, usually the victim of the star comedian - or his own nefarious schemes. He only came to films in his thirties, but quickly established himself as a familiar and popular face. Married to actress Benay Venuta from 1952 to 1963, the first of two wives. Died from a liver ailment.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Television.

Fred Clark BlogHub Articles:

Day Twenty-Seven of Noirvember: Unlikely Film Noir Folks — Fred Clark

By shadowsandsatin on Nov 27, 2018 From Shadows and Satin

The other day I saw a post on Facebook with a picture of Fred Clark that described him as ?the immortal film noir actor.? One member of the group responded that ?he was never noir,? and a quite a little brouhaha ensued ? to which, I admit, I briefly contributed. In thinking about it later, though, I... Read full article

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Fred Clark Quotes:

Donald J. Penney, SIC man: Sometimes I suspect that you forget you're a member of Secret Intelligence Command. You're a SIC man.

Dwight Babcock: For nine years, Mame Dennis Burnside, I have done everything in my power to protect this boy from your idiotic, cockeyed nincompoopery.

Wally Cook: Oh, come on, Oliver, where's your sense of humor?
Oliver Stone: [after she laughs] You were going to marry him. He would have done to you what he did to the paper.
[she stops laughing]
Wally Cook: [angrily] Why that two-timing little fraud!
Oliver Stone: Where's YOUR sense of humor?

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Fred Clark Facts
Character actor seen in many movies and TV shows. Notable as the stuffy executor of Auntie Mame's brother's will in "Auntie Mame".

Infrequently appeared on Broadway from 1938-64.

Graduate of Stanford University with a B.A. in Psychology.

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