Lee Van Cleef

Lee Van Cleef
(as Tony Romano)

Tony Romano: It don't take no big thinking to figure a couple of guys like us ain't in this bananaville on a vacation!

Jack Elam

Jack Elam
(as Pete Harris)

Pete Harris: Okay wise guy, you found me. Now what?
Joe Rolfe: What's eatin' you?
Pete Harris: You been giving me the fisheye all night.

Lee Van Cleef

Lee Van Cleef
(as Tony Romano)

Teresa: [Showing off the earings she wants him to buy as 'souvenirs'] Tony, you're not even looking at how pretty they are and only 11 American dollars!
Tony Romano: [Looking at her knowingly] Everything around here's 11 bucks!
Teresa: Tony, you like?
Tony Romano: Charge it with the rest.
Teresa: [Happily] Gracias, Tony!
Tony Romano: [Knowingly] See ya later!

John Payne

John Payne
(as Joe Rolfe)

Joe Rolfe: I know a sure cure for a nosebleed: a cold knife in the middle of the back.

Lee Van Cleef

Lee Van Cleef
(as Tony Romano)

Joe Rolfe: I thought I'd take a walk through the village before I turn in.
Tony Romano: Don't walk too fast - you'll be out of town without really seein' it!

Coleen Gray

Coleen Gray
(as Helen Foster)

Joe Rolfe: Look, you're a nice girl, but in case you're thinking of mothering me, forget it! I'm no stray dog you can pick up, and I like my neck without a collar. Now get lost!
Helen Foster: Now I'm supposed to be hurt. Maybe even cry. But I won't. I think you're in trouble, and I'm going to help you.

Preston Foster

Preston Foster
(as Tim Foster)

Tim Foster: If I can spot you back of those trick cheaters, so can the cops!
Boyd Kane: [Removes dark glasses] The job you're talkin' about - I said I'd listen.
Tim Foster: You're a cop-killer! You killed one on that last deal!
Boyd Kane: I don't like heroes!
Tim Foster: You can tell that to the warden when they burn ya!

Preston Foster

Preston Foster
(as Tim Foster)

Tim Foster: That was a sucker move, burning down your boss. You had him all wrong. He never crossed you.

Preston Foster

Preston Foster
(as Tim Foster)

Tim Foster: What makes a two-bit heel like you think a heater would give him an edge over me?

Preston Foster

Preston Foster
(as Tim Foster)

Tim Foster: What's everybody so gloomy about?
Tomaso: The weather, Senor, she's so uncertain!
Tim Foster: Up in the States they're having blizzards!
Tomaso: Ah, if something like that would only happen here, but nothing but sunshine and people catching fish. If just once a fish would catch a man!
Tim Foster: That's possible, Tomaso. It all depends on the bait.

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