Jack Elam Overview:

Character actor, Jack Elam, was born William Scott Elam on Nov 13, 1920 in Miami, Gila. Elam died at the age of 82 on Oct 20, 2003 in Ashland, OR .


American actor with sightless left eye who gained steady employment in the 1950s (after switching to acting from accountancy) as a mean hombre always ready to shoot the hero in the back. Mainly seen in westerns, Elam could also play sympathetic characters and comedy, but was later encouraged to play his own image rather too much.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



Elam was inducted into the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum .

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Jack Elam Quotes:

Charlie Max: Women are worse than flies.

Jason McCullough: Jake, how would you like the job as my deputy?
Jake: I'd hate it! Even if I lived through it, I'd hate it!

Jason McCullough: Well, do you see anything?
Jake: No. What are we lookin' for?
Jason McCullough: What are we lookin' for? We're lookin' for nuggets, a vein, the mother lode!
Jake: What's the mother lode?
Jason McCullough: I'm beginning to get the horrible feelin' you know even less about gold mining than I do, Jake.
Jake: Course I don't know anything about gold mining!
Jason McCullough: Well, what do you think I brought you along for? I thought everyone around here knew about mining.
Jake: Well I don't! I might be able to give you a few tips about shoveling horse... working around the stable, but I don't know nothing about huntin' gold.

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Jack Elam Facts
Died two months after Charles Bronson.

Interviewed in "Bad at the Bijou" by William R. Horner (McFarland, 1982).

Was known to be great at all forms of gambling. Also great at winning games played with people on sets.

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Cowboy Museum Hall of Fame

Also in the Cowboy Museum Hall of Fame

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