Winter Carnival Overview:

Winter Carnival (1939) was a Drama Film directed by Charles Reisner and produced by Walter Wanger.

BlogHub Articles:

Watching 1939: Winter Carnival (1939)

on Dec 17, 2020 From Comet Over Hollywood

In 2011, I announced I was trying to see every film released in 1939. This new series chronicles films released in 1939 as I watch them.?As we start out this blog feature, this section may become more concrete as I search for a common thread that runs throughout each film of the year. Right now, tha... Read full article

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Facts about

Budd Schulberg was also fired off the film with Fitzgerald. And it all started with two bottles of champagne that Budd's father, B.P. Schulberg, the former head of Paramount (1925-32), had given to Budd and Fitzgerald as a bon voyage gift at the train station in Los Angeles as they headed east to Dartmouth, Budd's Alma Mater. He did not know that Fitzgerald was a struggling alcoholic.
F. Scott Fitzgerald, originally assigned to write the picture, was dismissed in a humiliating scene in front of the Hanover Inn during the 1939 Carnival.
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Also directed by Charles Reisner

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Also produced by Walter Wanger

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Also released in 1939

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