Meet the People Overview:

Meet the People (1944) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by Charles Reisner and produced by Arthur Freed.

Meet the People BlogHub Articles:

Musical Monday: Meet the People (1944)

on Jan 5, 2015 From Comet Over Hollywood

It?s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 500. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week?s musical: ?Meet the People? ?Musical ... Read full article

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Quotes from Meet the People

William 'Swanee' Swanson: But it's not just me alone; its John too, its like a couple of fellas in a partnership in the corner grocery store.
Julie Hampton: You know, maybe you should be in the grocery business!

William 'Swanee' Swanson: Yeah, I know where to reach you - back in 1912, under a ton a stale ideas.

Monte Rowland: Then just what is it you want, Mr. Swanson?
William 'Swanee' Swanson: The show I wrote. It has a point of view, not just a view of points.

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Facts about Meet the People

A further Lane/Harburg song, "Thank You, Columbus" was recorded but not used. "Song of the Bayou" by Rube Bloom was also planned for inclusion, but not used.
Daws Butler, the voice actor for Hanna Barbera cartoon characters, patterned the voice of the lion Snagglepuss after Bert Lahr, who played the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz. Butler took Snagglepuss's catchphrase "Heavens to Mergatroid" from Bert Lahr's having said it in the movie Meet the People.
This movie was shown overseas to servicemen before it was released in the United States.
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Also directed by Charles Reisner

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Also produced by Arthur Freed

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Also released in 1944

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