The Horn Blows at Midnight Overview:

The Horn Blows at Midnight (1945) was a Fantasy - Comedy Film directed by Raoul Walsh and produced by Jack L. Warner and Mark Hellinger.

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Quotes from

Athanael: What are they supposed to be doing?
Maitre d': I wouldn't know, sir; they call it dancing.
Athanael: I must tell St. Vitus about this.

Athanael: Hey... I'm getting wet!

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Facts about

For the rest of his career Jack Benny used the failure of this movie as one of his best jokes.
Emma Dunn is in studio records/casting call lists for the role of "Mrs. Smith" in this movie, but she did not appear or was not identifiable.
In 1949 Jack Benny reprised his role as Athanael on radio for The Ford Theater's production of THBAM. Claude Rains also appeared in the program.
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