The Heavenly Body Overview:

The Heavenly Body (1944) was a Comedy - Romance Film directed by Vincente Minnelli and Alexander Hall and produced by Arthur Hornblow Jr..

The Heavenly Body BlogHub Articles:

Um Rival nas Alturas (1944) / The Heavenly Body (1944)

By L? on Nov 5, 2018 From Critica Retro

Um Rival nas Alturas (1944) / The Heavenly Body (1944) Voc? j? leu seu hor?scopo hoje? Ele trouxe boas ou m?s previs?es? Voc? est? aqui somente porque ele disse que hoje era um bom dia para ler um blog bil?ngue de cinema cl?ssico? N?o importam as respostas para estas perguntas; ? preciso per... Read full article

The Heavenly Body (1944).

By Dawn Sample on Sep 7, 2012 From Noir and Chick Flicks

The Heavenly Body (1944). Romantic/comedy. Cast: William Powell and Hedy Lamarr. Joan Crawford was offered the lead role but turned it down saying, "It was about a girl who stands around and does nothing. I told the studio to give the part to Hedy Lamarr." The story begins with Astronomer William S... Read full article

Um Rival nas Alturas (1944) / The Heavenly Body (1944)

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Um Rival nas Alturas (1944) / The Heavenly Body (1944) Voc? j? leu seu hor?scopo hoje? Ele trouxe boas ou m?s previs?es? Voc? est? aqui somente porque ele disse que hoje era um bom dia para ler um blog bil?ngue de cinema cl?ssico? N?o importam as respostas para estas perguntas; ? preciso per... Read full article

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Quotes from The Heavenly Body

Vicky Whitley: Good, ahead, shoot me. I wouldn't blame you.
William S. Whitley: Well... I'm sorry, but I'm not shooting anybody except by appointment.

Vicky Whitley: How did you live? How did you eat?
William S. Whitley: I shot my food.
Vicky Whitley: Quail?
[Sound of tally-ho bugle is heard on the soundtrack]
William S. Whitley: Soup!
[He indicates a pile of tin cans]
William S. Whitley: Noodle soup!

Nancy Potter: You talk as if astrology is something to be ashamed of, like witchcraft or being a Democrat.

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Facts about The Heavenly Body

Joan Crawford was offered the lead role but turned it down saying, "It was about a girl who stands around and does nothing. I told the studio to give the part to Hedy Lamarr."
Many cast members in studio records/casting call lists did not appear or were not identifiable in the movie. These were (with their character names): Howard M. Mitchell (Nicholas), Jacqueline Miller (W.U. Girl), Ralph Sanford (Policeman), John Sheehan (Policeman), Cliff Nazarro (Milkman), Phillip Terry (Whitley's Assistant), Lloyd Ford (Ethel's Husband), Rex Evans (Photo Insert of Hermann Göring) and Bobby Watson (Photo Insert of Adolf Hitler) (W.U. Girl undoubtedly stands for Western Union Girl, but no telegrams were seen delivered). In a Hollywood Reporter news item, Arno Frey and Dudley Dickerson were listed as cast members, but they were not seen either.
"The Screen Guild Theater" broadcast a 30 minute radio adaptation of the movie on June 4, 1945 with William Powell reprising his film role.
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