The First Texan Overview:

The First Texan (1956) was a Western Film directed by Byron Haskin and produced by Walter Mirisch.

The First Texan BlogHub Articles:


By Dan Day, Jr. on Oct 5, 2019 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

Last week a wrote a post about the 2004 THE ALAMO. This week I viewed another film dealing with subject of Texas independence: THE FIRST TEXAN, a 1956 production that is a mini-biography of Sam Houston. Joel McCrea portrays Sam Houston, and here the statesman comes off like just about every other M... Read full article

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Quotes from The First Texan

Sam Houston: You may have wondered why I delayed this attack for so long. I wanted Santa Ana to be positive we were running for the United States and then I wanted the Mexican army in a position from which it could not retreat. That's where it is right now. The Bay of San Jacinto is at their backs. All right are there any questions, gentlemen? Good luck - and remember the Alamo!

Santa Ana: What terms do you propose, General?
Sam Houston: I don't propose terms, I dictate them.

Santa Ana: General, if I may so, you may consider yourself born to no common destiny. You have conquered the Napoleon of the West. Now it remains to you to be generous to the vanquished.
Sam Houston: You should have remembered that kind of philosophy at the Alamo, General.

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Also directed by Byron Haskin

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Also produced by Walter Mirisch

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Also released in 1956

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