The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad Overview:

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949) was a Animation - Family Film directed by Jack Kinney and Clyde Geronimi and produced by Walt Disney.

BlogHub Articles:

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949) (2)

By Kristen on Dec 8, 2012 From Journeys in Classic Film

You might call this cheating, but this review ran already. ?It originally ran as part of my Halloween films, so if you missed it the first time here it is. ?I can’t be any happier that the package films are done. ?None of them were particularly great, and it seemed that the animators were limp... Read full article

The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949) (1)

By Kristen on Oct 13, 2012 From Journeys in Classic Film

The film starts off by presenting a?truncated version of Kenneth Grahame‘s The Wind in the Willows by following the manic whims of Mr. Toad (voiced by Eric Blore). ?Toad gets “motor mania” and in his bid to drive a motor car ends up on a path of petty crime and prison. ?The second ... Read full article

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Quotes from

[Rat and Mole have interrupted Toad's rampage with Cyril and the cart]
Rat: Toad, we want to have a talk with you.
Mr. Toad: Oh, a visit? Splendid.
Rat: Toad, this is serious. You've got to give up that horse and cart.
Mr. Toad: [in disbelief] Give up my... Oh, but my dear Ratty, this is my career. Surely, you can't mean it.
Rat: I do mean it. You've got to stop this foolishness.
Mr. Toad: No.
Rat: You must!
Mr. Toad: No, I won't do it!
Rat: Your reckless is behavior is giving us animals a bad name.
Mr. Toad: I won't listen to anything!
[he covers his ears and everything Rat says is softened, but whenever he removes his hands from his ears, Rat speaks louder]
Rat: Your thoughts are becoming a menace to society. If you won't think of yourself, then think of poor old MacBadger. And as for that horse, no good could ever come from galloping about with such a fast and irresponsible beast.
[when he hears this last part, Cyril covers his ears with his ears. Toad laughs]

[Toad enters Rat and Mole's house and faints]
Mole: Why... it's a poor old lady. Let's move her over by the fire.
[They move Toad, then his chain ball lands on Rat's foot]
Rat: Oww! Toad! What are you doing here?
Mr. Toad: Well, I just, um... sort of...
Mole: Well, this is a merry Christmas... but aren't you afraid of the police?
Mr. Toad: Afraid of the police?
Mr. Toad: I? Toad? Afraid of the police?
[laughs more. Then a loud knock and yelling comes from the door]
Angus MacBadger: [from behind the door] OPEN UP! OPEN UP, I SAY!

Mr. Toad: [in court giving his defence] Are you familiar with the defendant J. Thaddeus Toad?
Cyril Proudbottom: Lord love a duck, yes! He's one of the jolliest chaps I've ever run across! And simply *tons* of money!
Prosecutor: [to Cyril] Good fellow, eh? Throws it away... BUT he wasn't throwing it away *that* day! You heard Mr. McBadger's testify that his allowance was cut off! Then how did he get the motorcar?
Cyril Proudbottom: The only way a gentlemen gets anything; the *honest* way.
Prosecutor: And *what* is the honest way?
Cyril Proudbottom: Haha, I thought you wouldn't know that one, guv'nor.
[Everyone laughs]

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Facts about

One of Disney's four "Package Films". During World War II the studio lost a lot of manpower and resources, which left it with countless unfinished ideas too long for shorts and too short for features. So, inventive as Disney was, it stuck short ideas together into feature-length movies. See also Make Mine Music, Melody Time and Fun & Fancy Free.
There was a legend that said that one animator stopped worked on "The Wind In the Willows" to join the Army during World War II and then returned four years later to continue work on the exact same film sequence.
During the Ichabod tale, the title character is frightened by some reeds whistling in the wind. The same drawings were first used in the Disney short The Old Mill.
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