Secret of the Chateau Overview:

Secret of the Chateau (1934) was a Crime - Mystery Film directed by Richard Thorpe and produced by Lou L. Ostrow.

Secret of the Chateau BlogHub Articles:


By Dan Day Jr. on Dec 4, 2017 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

My recent internet ramblings led me to stumble upon a 1934 Universal "B" movie called SECRET OF THE CHATEAU, a murder mystery that isn't all that thrilling or mysterious. The story is set in France, although none of the cast go out of their way to act particularly French. A quirky Inspector named M... Read full article

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Quotes from Secret of the Chateau

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Facts about Secret of the Chateau

Part of the original SHOCK THEATER package of 52 Universal titles released to television in 1957, followed a year later with SON OF SHOCK, which added 21 more features one year later.
Began shooting on Aug. 2, 1934, released Dec. 3.
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Also directed by Richard Thorpe

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Also released in 1934

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