Murder at the Vanities Overview:

Murder at the Vanities (1934) was a Musical - Mystery Film directed by Mitchell Leisen and produced by E. Lloyd Sheldon.

Murder at the Vanities BlogHub Articles:

Musical Monday: Murder at the Vanities (1934)

on Oct 25, 2021 From Comet Over Hollywood

It?s no secret that the Hollywood Comet loves musicals. In 2010, I revealed I had seen 400 movie musicals over the course of eight years. Now that number is over 600. To celebrate and share this musical love, here is my weekly feature about musicals. This week?s musical: Murder at the Vanities (1934... Read full article

“Sweet Marijuana” and Murder at the Vanities

By Kim Luperi on Oct 7, 2017 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

“Sweet Marijuana” and Murder at the Vanities: The Opium Advisory Committee vs. The Department of State vs. the Production Code Administration (PCA) vs. Paramount A rather aimless musical spiked with one murder investigation, two dead bodies, and plenty of cheeky asides, Murder at the Van... Read full article

Pre-Code Blogathon: Murder at the Vanities (1934)

By Amy on Apr 1, 2015 From Random Pictures

The following is my contribution to the fabulous Pre-Code Blogathon, hosted by Shadows and Satin and Even if you’ve seen some of the now-classic pre-code films, like?Night Nurse?(1931),?Freaks?(1932), or?I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang?(1932), it can be hard to imagine the sh... Read full article

Pre-Code Blogathon: Murder at the Vanities (1934)

By Amy on Apr 1, 2015 From Random Pictures

The following is my contribution to the fabulous Pre-Code Blogathon, hosted by Shadows and Satin and Even if you’ve seen some of the now-classic pre-code films, like?Night Nurse?(1931),?Freaks?(1932), or?I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang?(1932), it can be hard to imagine the sh... Read full article

Murder at the Vanities (1934)

By Angela on Nov 13, 2013 From Hollywood Revue

It’s opening night of Earl Carroll’s newest show and it’s the hottest ticket in town.? Stage manager Jack Ellery (Jack Oakie) wouldn’t even be able to get a ticket for the president if he wanted one. Just before the show is set to start, the show’s stars Eric Lander (Ca... Read full article

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Quotes from Murder at the Vanities

Rita Ross: [Exit line to Mrs. Smith] Ta, Ta! I'll see you in the chair.

Jack Ellery: Nancy, what shall I do?
Nancy: Oh, Mr. Ellery!
Jack Ellery: C'mon, let's do it.

Jack Ellery: [to Murdock] Why don't you take your lamps off those dames and do a little police work?

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Facts about Murder at the Vanities

One of over 700 Paramount Productions, filmed between 1929 and 1949, which were sold to MCA/Universal in 1958 for television distribution, and have been owned and controlled by Universal ever since.
Donald Meek, who plays the medical examiner, played Dr. Crabtree, a police medical examiner in a series of Warner shorts from 1931 to 1932.
Kitty Carlisle's first film.
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