Menace Overview:

Menace (1934) was a Western Film directed by Jack Nelson .

Menace: BlogHub Articles:


By Terry on May 1, 2019 From Stardust and Shadows

The mystery play, with its creaking doors, sliding panels and bodies falling out of unexpected places has? long been a staple of? stage thrillers.? THE CAT? AND THE CANARY (1927), THE BAT WHISPERS (1930) and others were made into films with the? fusion of the forties of horror/mystery to come. Bori... Read full article

The Amazing Exploits of the Clutching Hand (1936, Albert Herman), Chapter 13: The Mystic Menace

By Andrew Wickliffe on Nov 22, 2018 From The Stop Button

I stand corrected. Clutching Hand does do something with the ship. There?s a large scale fist fight between Jack Mulhall, Rex Lease, and their pals and the mutinying crew of the ship. It?s not good?though there are some decent stunts?but it?s there. I was wrong. I was right, however, about the resol... Read full article

King of the Rocket Men (1949, Fred C. Brannon), Chapter 7: Molten Menace

By Andrew Wickliffe on Oct 13, 2017 From The Stop Button

King of the Rocket Men made it to chapter seven before having a stinker. And Molten Menace isn?t even an exciting stinker, it?s just a plodding one. It?s also frustrating because it requires lead Tristram Coffin to be stupid about something a scene after he was talking about being cautious about the... Read full article


By Dan Day Jr. on Dec 5, 2015 From The Hitless Wonder Movie Blog

With opening day for STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS fast approaching, I've decided to go ahead and do a series of posts on the Star Wars prequels. This is an idea that I have been mulling around in my head for a while, and a number of people have told me that it is an idea that I should follow through... Read full article

Menace, Happy Anniversary? Release Dates Can Be Such a Menace

By C. S. Williams on Nov 22, 2014 From Classic Film Aficionados

A Menace for Thanksgiving? What an odd release date for a horror-thriller picture. If we go by the references made by modern sources, then, Menace, starring Gertrude Michael and Paul Cavanagh, was released just one week ahead of Turkey Day on November 22, 1934. Most probably this idea was perpetrate... Read full article

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Quotes from Menace:

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Facts about Menace:

One of over 700 Paramount Productions, filmed between 1929 and 1949, which were sold to MCA/Universal in 1958 for television distribution, and have been owned and controlled by Universal ever since.
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Also released in 1934

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