Man of the West Overview:

Man of the West (1958) was a Action - Drama Film directed by Anthony Mann and produced by Walter Mirisch.

Man of the West BlogHub Articles:

The Caftan Woman Blogathon: Man of the West (1958)

By shadowsandsatin on May 6, 2022 From Shadows and Satin

Like so many bloggers across the Internet, I was stunned and saddened to learn earlier this year of the passing of Patricia ?Paddy? Nolan-Hall, author of the Caftan Woman blog. I never met Paddy in person, but she felt like a friend. She wrote for many years for my film noir newsletter, The Dark Pag... Read full article

Man of the West (1958)

By 4 Star Film Fan on Mar 5, 2019 From 4 Star Films

The proverbial stranger rides into town looking for a place to wash up and grab a bite to eat. We get the sense he might be sticking around. Except, soon enough, he turns right back around and buys a ticket on the first train out of town. Because he has business to attend to. The train gets ambushed... Read full article

Man of the West (1958)

By Beatrice on Sep 8, 2016 From Flickers in Time

Man of the West Directed by Anthony Mann Written by Reginald Rose from a novel by Will C. Brown 1958/USA Ashton Productions/Walter Mirisch Productions First viewing/Netflix rental #346 of 1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die Here is something a little different in the Western department for 19... Read full article

1001 Classic Movies: Man of the West

By Amanda Garrett on Apr 18, 2016 From Old Hollywood Films

Man of the West (1958), starring Gary Cooper, is one of the 1001 classic movies you should see. Each Monday, I'm going to recommend a classic movie you should see (for the reasons behind the 1001 series and reviews of earlier films covered go here). Throughout April, I'll commemorate the 400th anni... Read full article

Man of the West(1958).

By Dawn Sample on Nov 2, 2012 From Noir and Chick Flicks

Man of the West(1958). Western film starring Gary Cooper and directed by Anthony Mann in his last film in the genre. The screenplay, written by Reginald Rose, is based on the novel The Border Jumpers by Will C. Brown. Link Jones, catches the train to Fort Worth, where he plans to use the money of h... Read full article

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Quotes from Man of the West

Link Jones: [Startled by the train engine] That's the ugliest thing I ever saw in my life!
Sam Beasley: [Sardonically] You never met my ex-wife.

Coaley: [to Link] Do you talk?

Dock Tobin: [to Link] I put a piece of work into you. every last idea that shot through your head was mine. I remember every bloody minute of it.

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Facts about Man of the West

Screenwriter Philip Yordan had previously written a novel entitled "Man of the West", but it bears no relation at all to this film. Yordan's novel was filmed as Gun Glory.
James Stewart eagerly sought the role played by Gary Cooper, but since Stewart had fallen out with director Anthony Mann he did not get the part.
Jean-Luc Godard, a film critic before he became a director, raved about the film saying it was the best film of that year. Because of his recommendation, the film has been reevaluated and is now considered a classic western.
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Also directed by Anthony Mann

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Also produced by Walter Mirisch

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Also released in 1958

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