Lucky Me Overview:

Lucky Me (1954) was a Comedy - Musical Film directed by Jack Donohue and produced by Henry Blanke.

BlogHub Articles:

Lucky Me: My Life With – And Without – My Mother, Shirley MacLaine

on Jul 1, 2013 From Journeys in Classic Film

This week’s review is slightly different; not being a memoir about a Hollywood star, but about being a Hollywood’s star’s daughter.? It’s a tough place to be in, trapped with a world of insanity that you didn’t ask for.? Past memoirs in this vein including salacious Hol... Read full article

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Quotes from

Candy Williams: There's thirteen people in the audience.
Hap Schneider: This is no time to be superstitious. It's bad luck.

Fortune Teller: Be alert, my child. You are passing through a period of opportunity. You are on the brink of adventure. A mysterious stranger lurks in your future. A stranger who may serve as a guide to your fortune and destiny.
Candy Williams: A mysterious stranger.

Candy Williams: [sings] Never tap your toe in June, to an organ grinder's tune. / Men who pick up rusty pins marry girls with double chins.

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Facts about

Angie Dickinson's film debut.
This is the first musical to be filmed in CinemaScope.
Doris Day did not want to make this movie but had to under contract obligations.
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Also directed by Jack Donohue

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Also produced by Henry Blanke

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Also released in 1954

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