Destination Tokyo Overview:

Destination Tokyo (1943) was a Adventure - Historical Film directed by Delmer Daves and produced by Jack L. Warner and Jerry Wald.

Academy Awards 1943 --- Ceremony Number 16 (source: AMPAS)

Best WritingSteve FisherNominated

Destination Tokyo BlogHub Articles:

Destination Tokyo (1943) and There’s No Place Like Home

By 4 Star Film Fan on Nov 6, 2020 From 4 Star Films

“This is sort of a blind date. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.” – Cary Grant as Captain Cassidy No pretense can be made to suggest?Destination Tokyo functions as an original entry of a “men on a mission movie” from a couple decades later. For one thi... Read full article

Destination Tokyo (1943)

By Beatrice on Sep 26, 2014 From Flickers in Time

Destination Tokyo Directed by Delmer Daves Written by Delmer Daves and Albert Maltz from an original story by Steve Fisher 1943/USA Warner Bros First viewing/Netflix rental Wolf: I don’t know. Strong arm, strong back, weak mind! This goes way overboard in the propaganda department at times.... Read full article

Destination Tokyo (1943)

on Jul 10, 2013 From Journeys in Classic Film

? Cary Grant did a few war pictures, as did practically every male star who wasn’t drafted into service, and Destination Tokyo is the one selected for this week’s tribute to Grant.? I’ve mentioned in past reviews of film in this genre that I’m not a fan of war movies; they te... Read full article

Destination Tokyo: A Classic Example of 1940s Propaganda War Film

By Jill Blake on Feb 23, 2013 From Sittin' on a Backyard Fence

Disclaimer: This post discusses Japanese racial stereotypes common in World War II propaganda films including examples of dialogue used.? Prior to the United States involvement in World War II, films produced in mainstream Hollywood glossed over or completely sidestepped discussion of the war in Eur... Read full article

Destination Tokyo

By RBuccicone on Mar 7, 2011 From MacGuffin Movies

Destination Tokyo (1944) ????? I have never been particularly drawn to war pictures or those that pair Cary Grant opposite a bunch of men, rather than wooing a woman, but Grant made some great war pictures, and Destination Tokyo is certainly one of those (I need to revisit Operation Petticoat, which... Read full article

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Quotes from Destination Tokyo

Tin Can: Congratulations, Wolf.
Wolf: On what?
Tin Can: It's been an hour since anything reminded you of a dame.

Sailor: Pills, do you think prayers do any good?
Pills: Yes, they do. I *know* they do.

Capt. Cassidy: There was a democratic movement in Japan after the last war. What happened?
Reserve Officer Raymond: The leaders were assassinated.
Andy - Executive Officer: Well, what about the people?
Capt. Cassidy: They have no voice now. Starvation is the big stick, isn't it, Raymond?
Reserve Officer Raymond: That's right, sir. The big wage is seven dollars a week. They have no unions, no free press... nothing.
Capt. Cassidy: They do what they're told.
Reserve Officer Raymond: I'm afraid most of them believe what they're told - like that "hero" who knifed your torpedo man. They've been sold a swindle, and they accept it.
Andy - Executive Officer: But how can they support such big families on seven bucks a week?
Reserve Officer Raymond: They don't. Daughters of the poor are often sold to factories, or... worse - when they're about 12.
Capt. Cassidy: Females are useful there only to work or to have children. The Japs don't understand the love we have for our women. They don't even have a word for it in their language.

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Facts about Destination Tokyo

Columbia Pictures loaned Cary Grant to Warner Brothers to make this movie.
Tom Tully and Warner Anderson who appear in this movie would also appear together in The Caine Mutiny and the police drama series The Lineup (a.k.a. San Francisco Beat).
Raymond's call to the USS Hornet in Japanese is "Tenki hokuku." The pronunciation is poor but it has been identified as meaning: "weather report".
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