Daffy Duck Hunt Overview:

Daffy Duck Hunt (1949) was a Family - Animation Film directed by Robert McKimson .

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Quotes from

Daffy Duck: Why the copious flow of lachrymal fluid, my garrulous canine?

Daffy Duck: [Porky has just shot at him] Oh, you got me! I'm going! I'm a-going! Goodbye now!
[runs off]

[Daffy Duck jumps out of the freezer]
Daffy Duck: What a trip. What a trip! Blizzard all the way. Snow twenty feet deep, but we had to get the serum through. It was mush, mush, mush all night. Come on! Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush! Mush! Suddenly the glacier cracks! There's a roar! Tons of ice! No escape! *Aaaagh!* How's things been with you?

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Also directed by Robert McKimson

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Also released in 1949

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