Adventure in Baltimore Overview:

Adventure in Baltimore (1949) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Richard Wallace and produced by Dore Schary and Richard H. Berger.

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Quotes from Adventure in Baltimore

Pastor Andrew Sheldon: Dinah, I don't like you being expelled. Miss Ingraham's right, immorality takes many forms.
Dinah Sheldon: Yes, Papa.

Dinah Sheldon: Miss Ingraham, I'd much rather start my real art classes.
Miss Ingraham: My Goodness, there wasn't a nicer accomplishment for a woman than china painting. Gives you such a good foundation.
Dinah Sheldon: But I've got a foundation. I've been painting at home for years.
Miss Ingraham: Let me see now, I... I don't know exactly where else I'd put you.
Dinah Sheldon: Oh, what about the live class.
Miss Ingraham: Oh, that's much more advanced. Next year perhaps. I take the girls out myself in the country once a week, and we all do a landscape. Cows, trees. There's some charming sycamores not far away.
Dinah Sheldon: Miss Ingraham, I'm afraid we just don't understand each other. I mean a life class, the human figure. Rembrandt said it is the basis of all design, all structure. That's what I need. My anatomy's terrible.
Miss Ingraham: The human figure. You mean unclothed?
Dinah Sheldon: Certainly.
Miss Ingraham: Oh! Miss Sheldon! Oh! Miss Sheldon, I want to have a talk with you. Go into my office.

Dinah Sheldon: If you'll kindly consent to read this you'll notice it's about an art competition. There are three prizes of fifty dollars. I intend to win one of those prizes painting a portrait of you as a spirit of labor.
Tom Wade: Are you bats?

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Facts about Adventure in Baltimore

"The Screen Guild Theater" broadcast a 30 minute radio adaptation of the movie on March 30, 1950 with Shirley Temple reprising her film role.
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Also directed by Richard Wallace

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Also produced by Dore Schary

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Also released in 1949

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