After Fred MacMurray and 'George Burns (I)' turned down the chance to make this film, producer Harlan Thompson offered it to Bob Hope and Bing Crosby, whom he'd seen clowning on the Paramount lot and who it seemed to him got along well.

During a lunch break, Bob Hope threw a handful of the soap suds at Dorothy Lamour and soon Bing Crosby became involved. The fight ended when Lamour cornered Hope and Crosby and threw all she had at them. The director was not particularly pleased because it would take hours to repair their hair, makeup, and clothing.

In the climactic dance number, the natives of Kaigoon sing in Esperanto: "Behold, the new moon shines only love. A woman delights a man according to nature. So choose someone now and dance with him. A true heart beats indeed in each of us, ready and able and willing for you. Don't just stand there, come here."

Originally written as "Beach of Dreams" for 'George Burns (I)' and Gracie Allen. Later retitled "Road to Mandalay" for Fred MacMurray and Jack Oakie before receiving its final title and cast.

The first of the seven Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour "Road" films.

The soap suds used for Ace Lannigan's stain removing product Spot-O were special heavy duty suds created by the prop department to hold up under the hot lights.