Bob Hope Overview:

Legendary actor, Bob Hope, was born Leslie Townes Hope on May 29, 1903 in Eltham, London. Hope died at the age of 100 on Jul 27, 2003 in Toluca Lake, CA and was laid to rest in Mission San Fernando Rey de Espa?a Cemetery in Mission Hills, Los Angeles County, CA.


Dark-haired English-born Hollywood star comedian, in America from childhood. After a slow start, his film career really blossomed with The Cat and the Canary and he remained at his funniest throughout the forties, a period which saw the beginning of his friendly rivalry with Bing Crosby - in and out of the "Road" films - and made him one of the world's most popular stars, in roles which highlighted his ability to get into situations which exposed the yellow streak running down his back. From the mid-fifties the standard of his material fell away. Special Oscars 1940, 1944, 1952, 1965. He received an honorary British knighthood in 1998.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



He was honored with four stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the categories of Radio, Motion Pictures, Television and Live Performance. Bob Hope's handprints and footprints were 'set in stone' at Grauman's Chinese Theater during imprint ceremony #67 on Feb 5, 1943. In addition, Hope was inducted into the TV Hall of Fame and Radio Hall of Fame and was immortalized on a US postal stamp in 2009. Hope was never nominated for an Academy Award. However he won five Honorary Awards in 1940, 1944, 1952, 1959 and 1965 for unique and distinguished service to our industry and the Academy. .

Bob Hope BlogHub Articles:

15 of Bob Hope’s best Oscars jokes

By Carol Martinheira on Mar 10, 2023 From The Old Hollywood Garden

15 of Bob Hope’s best Oscars jokes On March 10, 2023 By CarolIn Uncategorized Image from Pinterest Here we are again, Oscar season and isn?t that exciting! The thing is, I?ve posted about all things Oscars every February/March/April, these past 8 years and I th... Read full article

The Lemon Drop Kid (1951): Bob Hope and Silver Bells

By 4 Star Film Fan on Dec 24, 2020 From 4 Star Films

“Don’t look like you’re handling hot reindeer” – Bob Hope as The Lemon Drop Kid There blows the infamous Lemon Drop Kid a racetrack scrounger feeding the populous phony tips. In another context, he’d be one slimy stooge a la Richard Widmark, but played by Bob Hope... Read full article

The Unlikely Pairing of Katharine Hepburn and Bob Hope in ‘The Iron Petticoat’

By Virginie Pronovost on Oct 19, 2020 From The Wonderful World of Cinema

It’s funny because, these days, I am constantly reminded of my 2018’s trip to England for various reasons. One of them is that I recently re-watched the comedy The Iron Petticoat (Ralph Thomas, 1956), which I had seen for the first time when I was in Liverpool (so yeah, that journey was ... Read full article

Interview with Jerry Mathers: Working with Hitch, Playing the Beaver, and How Bob Hope Saved His Life

By Rick29 on Feb 11, 2019 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

Young Jerry Mathers. Born on June 2, 1948 in Sioux City, Iowa, Jerry Mathers' acting career began at the age of two when he appeared in a Pet Condensed Milk commercial with Ed Wynn on The Colgate Comedy Hour. He graduated to film roles later in the 1950s, acting alongside Bob Hope, Shirley MacLaine... Read full article

The Five Best Bob Hope Films

By Rick29 on Jul 8, 2018 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

John Greco, the classic movie blogger behind the delightful Twenty Four Frames, recently listed his favorite comedies of the 1940s. Not surprisingly, two of Bob Hope's best efforts made the list. That got the Cafe staff thinking about our favorite movies starring Mr. Hope. So, here goes! Paulette... Read full article

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Bob Hope Quotes:

Leader of the 3rd Echelon: In that rocket, we're about to send two animals around the moon and if we succeed, we shall next send two men. And from the moon, that point of impenetrable power, I shall go before the United Nations and demand that they accede to our total and absolute control.
Chester Babcock: [to Harry] I think he rolls his own.

Scat Sweeney: This might be a plot to get rid of us! The coffee might be poisoned!
Hot Lips Barton: Yeah, who knows this co...
[He drops the cup]
Hot Lips Barton: [to Catherine Vail] You got any tea?

Peanuts White: It's nights like these that drive men like me to women like you for nights like this.

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Honorary Award Oscar 1952

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Grauman's Imprints

Also at Grauman's

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Bob Hope on the
Hollywood Walk of Fame

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Bob Hope Facts
Hospitalized with gastro-intestinal bleeding in June 2000. Although he received a blood transfusion after the bleeding in his colon was stopped, no surgery was performed.

Has 4 adopted children: Eleanora Avis "Nora", Anthony, Linda Hope and Kelly Hope.

Awarded a Congressional Gold Medal by President John F. Kennedy at the White House. (September 11th 1963).

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Radio Hall of Fame

Also in the Radio Hall of Fame

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Television Hall of Fame

Also in the Television Hall of Fame

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