William Demarest Overview:

Character actor, William Demarest, was born Carl William Demarest on Feb 27, 1892 in St. Paul, MN. Demarest appeared in over 165 film and TV roles. His best known films include Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Sullivan's Travels, The Lady Eve, Easy Living, That Darn Cat -- and of course Uncle Charley on TV's My Three Sons (1965-1972). Demarest died at the age of 91 on Dec 28, 1983 in Palm Springs, CA and was laid to rest in Forest Lawn (Glendale) Cemetery in Glendale, CA.


Craggy and grizzled, William Demarest was a veteran actor of well over 100 films who became, from the 1930's to the 1960's, one of Hollywood's best-known and best-loved familiar faces. He began in vaudeville as a song-and-dance act with his brother Rubin (1886-1962), but moved into films right at the beginning of sound and, after a hiatus from 1929 to 1933, established himself with dozens of Brooklynese character studies. Although often a soft-hearted and slightly dense policeman, he also excelled at brooding suspicion and tight-lipped sarcasm. Oscar nomination for "The Jolson Story".  

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Illustrated Dictionary of Film Character Actors).



Although Demarest was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1946Best Supporting ActorThe Jolson Story (1946)Steve MartinNominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

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William Demarest Quotes:

George Fury: Look Melody, you couldn't hit the hind end of your horse with a handful of buckshot and you know it. And you ain't a gunfighter, that's all. You ain't even a good shot. You're just a plain no good bronc stomper that's been hit in the seat of the pants so many times....

Mr. Martin: [To tree] You know Mr Tree, you and I might have a big celebration this xmas, we can both get lit up!

Sgt. Heppelfinger: They say opportunity's only got one hair on his head and you gotta grab it while it's going by and dog it down or you mightn't get another chance.

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William Demarest Facts
Brother of actor Rube Demarest.

Co-starred on NBC Radio's "The Eddie Bracken Story" (1945).

Began his career in vaudeville.

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