Franchot Tone Overview:

Legendary actor, Franchot Tone, was born Stanislas Pascal Franchot Tone on Feb 27, 1905 in Niagara Falls, NY. Tone died at the age of 63 on Sep 18, 1968 in New York City, NY and was cremated and his ashes scattered in unknown location.


Smooth, brown-haired American actor, adept at callow charmers, and too often employed in that mold, or as lounge lizards, or best friends not strong enough to get the girl. When handed unusual assignments he became much more interesting, and did some good character work in his later years. Married/divorced Joan Crawford (1935-1939) and three blonde starlets: Jean Wallace from 1941 to 1948, Barbara Payton from 1951 to 1952, and Dolores Dorn (1935-) from 1956 to 1959. Oscar-nominated in the Best Actor category in Mutiny on the Bounty, Tone might well have won an Academy Award had the category of best supporting actor been brought in a year earlier. Died from lung cancer.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



Although Tone was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1935Best ActorMutiny on the Bounty (1935)Roger ByamNominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

Franchot Tone BlogHub Articles:

2016 Franchot Tone Holiday Gift Guide

By Franchot Tone Fan on Dec 9, 2016 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

It's time for the 2nd Annual Franchot Tone Holiday Gift Guide! This year's picks for that Franchot fan in your life (or, let's be honest, yourself!) are pictured above and include: Vintage tobacco card - Like many film stars, Franchot was featured on quite a few collectible tobacco cards in the... Read full article

The Gorgeous Hussy: Franchot & Politics

By Franchot Tone Fan on Nov 7, 2016 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

I'll conclude my Franchot & Politics series with a look at the 1936 film The Gorgeous Hussy. Directed by Clarence Brown and based on the 1934 novel by Samuel Hopkins Adams, The Gorgeous Hussy was a period piece designed for Joan Crawford in the part of Peggy Eaton. In addition to Crawford, the f... Read full article

Advise & Consent: Franchot & Politics

By Franchot Tone Fan on Oct 30, 2016 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

When I learned of Pop Culture Reverie's timely Hail to the Chief Blogathon, I knew I had to write about Franchot Tone's portrayal of the fictional U.S. president in Otto Preminger's 1962 drama Advise & Consent. Last costarring with Bing Crosby and Jane Wyman in 1951's Capra film Here Comes the G... Read full article

A Political Ancestry: Franchot & Politics

By Franchot Tone Fan on Oct 22, 2016 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

For this week's (belated) entry into my Franchot & Politics series, I'd like to share with you some biographical sketches on the political figures of Franchot's maternal family. Franchot's grandfather and great grandfather held Republican seats in the Senate and Congress, respectively. Franchot'... Read full article

Franchot Targeted in the Blacklist: Franchot & Politics

By Franchot Tone Fan on Oct 14, 2016 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

I think all classic film enthusiasts have some knowledge about the powerful and predatory House Un-American Activities Committee that used public threats and scare tactics to terrorize the film industry. It would be denounced by former President Truman in the late 50's and lose its control in the 60... Read full article

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Franchot Tone Quotes:

Cpl. John J. Bramble: [to Farid] You're talking through your fez!

Sir Alan Dearden: Now look here, Bunny, you're a pretty good lawyer. At least, you would be if you hadn't so much money.

Barnabus W. 'Barney' Pells: I'm stickin' like summer underwear.

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Franchot Tone Facts
Franchot Tone was one of the original members of the Group Theater (1931-1940), the first acting company in America to bring Stanislavski's revolutionary acting techniques to America. He was also the first to leave the company for a Hollywood contract. A few years later another company member, Julie Garfinkle (John Garfield), followed Tone to Hollywood. Both movie stars considered their days at the Group the most satisfying years of their lives, and both continued to subsidize the theater's productions until the Group Theater's demise.

He attended The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania; Cornell University (where he graduated with Phi Beta Kappa honors in 1927); and Rennes University in France.

He is responsible for the establishment of the Best Supporting Actor/Actress categories in the Academy Awards, owing to his supporting performance (and subsequent Best Actor nomination) in Mutiny on the Bounty (1935).

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