George Kennedy Overview:

Character actor, George Kennedy, was born on Feb 18, 1925 in New York City, NY. Kennedy died at the age of 91 on Feb 28, 2016 in Middleton, ID .


American actor with a powerful build and thinning fair hair. He turned to an acting career after 16 years in the army and surprised many people by becoming a star - mainly on the strength of his Academy Award for Cool Hand Luke in 1967. The transition from villains to good-hearted Joes was almost immediate, but he was a valuable asset to some poor films.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



George Kennedy was nominated for one Academy Award, winning for Best Supporting Actor for Cool Hand Luke (as Dragline) in 1967.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1967Best Supporting ActorCool Hand Luke (1967)DraglineWon

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures. In addition, Kennedy was inducted into the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum .

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George Kennedy Quotes:

McKay: You got a privy out back?
Flagg: The name of this town is Progress - there's one inside.
McKay: *In*side?
Flagg: Yeah, just under the staircase.
McKay: [McKay jiggles the handcuffs; Flagg unlocks them and follows as McKay walks to the staircase] You gonna hold my hand?
McKay: [McKay walks into the bathroom and looks around. He pulls the chain on the toilet, which flushes] I'll be damned.

McKay: There's only one plan and it's as plain as the nose on your face. You can't stop the train from comin' to town 'cause they got the telegraph covered. What you gotta do is stop the train from *stoppin* in town.

Dragline: Where'd the road go?
Luke: That's it. That's the end of it.
Convict: Man, there's still daylight.
Dragline: About two hours left.
Convict: What do we do now?
Luke: Nothin'.
Dragline: Oh Luke, you wild, beautiful thing. You crazy handful of nothin'.

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George Kennedy Facts
He and Joan adopted their granddaughter in 1998, after their daughter was ruled unfit.

Recently hosted the creation of a driving safety video.

Before his acting career really took off, he served as a military consultant on "The Phil Silvers Show" (1955).

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Cowboy Museum Hall of Fame

Also in the Cowboy Museum Hall of Fame

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