Job Voice actor
Years active 1934-1988
Top Roles Turtle / Penguin, Narrator, Yogi Bear / Quick Draw McGraw / Snagglepuss / Huckleberry Hound / Augie Doggie, Ralph Crumden / Ned Morton, Radio Chef François
Top GenresAnimation, Family, Comedy, Short Films, Drama, Fantasy
Top TopicsBook-Based, Father Son, Father Daughter
Top Collaborators (Producer), (Producer), ,
Shares birthday with Burgess Meredith, Halliwell Hobbes, Royal Dano  see more..

Daws Butler Overview:

Actor, Daws Butler, was born Charles Dawson Butler on Nov 16, 1916 in Toledo, OH. Butler died at the age of 71 on May 18, 1988 in Los Angeles, CA .



Daws Butler BlogHub Articles:

Mini Tribute: Daws Butler and His Many Voices

By Annmarie Gatti on Nov 16, 2014 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Born November 16, 1916 Voice Actor Daws Butler! Daws Butler?has over 300 voice acting credits to his name. He voiced the?Turtle/Penguin in the Disney film,?Mary Poppins?? as well as some of the most beloved?Hanna-Barbera?cartoons, plus a few cereal commercials as well! That said, here is a Montage T... Read full article

Mini Tribute: Daws Butler

By Annmarie Gatti on Nov 16, 2013 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Born November 16, 1916 Classic Cartoon Voice Actor Daws Butler Daws Butler has over 300 voice acting credits to his name. He voiced the?Turtle/Penguin in the Disney film, Mary Poppins — plus a cavalcade of classic cartoon favorites including Yogi Bear, Quick Draw McGraw, Snagglepuss, Huckleber... Read full article

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Daws Butler Quotes:

[first lines]
Narrator: Good evening, kiddies. Once upon a time, Little Red Riding Hood was skipping through the woods. She was going to her grandmother's house to take grandma a basket of nice goodies. But waiting in the woods was a mean old wolf ready to pounce upon poor Little Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: Oh, stop it! "Waiting in the woods was the mean old wolf ready to pounce on poor Red Riding Hood." I'm fed up with that sissy stuff. It's the same old story over and over. If you can't do this thing a new way, Bud, I quit!

Elmer Fudd as King of the Elves: A manufacturer who sticks to old equipment cannot compete, and must fail. To survive, he must persuade people to risk savings in his business. He can then buy new equipment, increase production, and show a profit.
Shoemaker: And he keeps the profit?
Elmer Fudd as King of the Elves: Oh no, that's what a lot of people think. But he doesn't. Out of profit, he must pay dividends to investors. Profit must be put back into the business to fund newer and better machinery.
Shoemaker: Spend his profit on machinery? When does it all end?
Elmer Fudd as King of the Elves: It never ends! Constant replacement with the latest machinery makes the industry more efficient, thus enabling it to pay higher wages and still make a profit. This efficient operation also results in more goods, a better quality, and produces them at a lower cost to everyone!
Shoemaker: By thunder, if that's the way it's done, I'll do it!

Wolf: Fly away with me to the Riviera. It will be such a beautiful thing. I will give you diamonds, pearls, ermine. I will even give you a new set of white sidewall tires.

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Daws Butler Facts
His very first cartoon character was a kind of "smug" British character, as he termed it. He recorded that voice sometime in the 1940s. This came about after he tried to break into cartoon voices at Warner Brothers. Everyone asked, "Why do you bother? Mel Blanc does everything." Warners did not use him initially, although it later would use him (without on-screen credit) in several of its cartoons in the late 1950s -- most notably as the voices of Ralph Krumden and Ned Morton in "The Honeymousers". Warner also referred him to Johnny Burton and Tex Avery, who helped him get that very first voice credit.

Friend and mentor of Lee Harris, who did voices for Men in Black (1997), among other recorded and live performances.

The story of where Butler's Cap'n Crunch voice came from is more interesting than simply that he was imitating late actor Charles Butterworth. Daws originally used that voice as a king in countless "Fractured Fairy Tale" cartoons (from the "Rocky and His Friends" (1959)). After Jay Ward told Butler that he felt that this would be a good voice for Cap'n Crunch, never again did he use that voice for cartoons outside of these commercials.

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