Burgess Meredith Overview:

Legendary actor, Burgess Meredith, was born Oliver Burgess Meredith on Nov 16, 1907 in Cleveland, OH. Meredith died at the age of 89 on Sep 9, 1997 in Malibu, CA .


For a man who made virtually nothing for the cinema between 1949 and 1962, this mercurial, tousle-haired American actor must be one of the most difficult tasks for any filmographer: fresh Meredith films, sometimes from the most unlikely places, seem to turn up everywhere one looks. A first-class talent who continually upset Hollywood in his early days, he attacked his parts like a terrier. Four times married, including Paulette Goddard (third) from 1944 to 1949. Long-delayed Academy Award nominations finally came for Day of the Locust and Rocky. Died from skin cancer and Alzheimer's Disease.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Stars).



Although Meredith was nominated for one Oscar, he never won a competitive Academy Award.

Academy Awards

YearAwardFilm nameRoleResult
1976Best Supporting ActorRocky (1976)MickeyNominated

He was honored with one star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in the category of Motion Pictures.

Burgess Meredith BlogHub Articles:

Seven Things to Know About Burgess Meredith

By Rick29 on May 3, 2021 From Classic Film & TV Cafe

1. In So Far, So Good: A Memoir, Burgess Meredith wrote: "Well, everybody was taking parts in Batman — from Frank Sinatra to Otto Preminger, everyone. It was the trendy thing to do back then. The Penguin stuck to me because the character was vivid." Actually, Sinatra never played a Batman vill... Read full article

Burgess Meredith on Franchot Tone

By Franchot Tone Fan on Apr 23, 2015 From Finding Franchot: Exploring the Life and Career of Franchot Tone

"I don't know how good Franchot's influence was on me or mine on him. Aside from The Man on the Eiffel Tower, a movie we made together in Paris, most of our coventures were in pursuit of pleasure. We shared many a bottle and many a girl, both in New York and Hollywood, in our bachelor days. There we... Read full article

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Burgess Meredith Quotes:

Quillary: While you sit here eating and drinking, their planes dropped fifty thousand kilos of bombs on innocent people. Heavens knows how many were killed; how much of life and beauty is forever destroyed. And you sit here eating and drinking with them, the murderers. It was their planes from the very field down there. Assassins!

Harry Tate: [referring to Tropp] Don't he give a damn what people think, him ridin' around the country in a hearse?
Doc Joseph Scully: If you're the richest undertaker in Texas, you're entitled to a fancy rig, but if you spend your days and nights trying to keep people alive, you ride around in the likes of this.
[he shakes the reins of his carriage]
Doc Joseph Scully: Giddy-up!

[The bigoted Judge Purcell rebukes a white lawyer for his help to the black defendant]
Judge Purcell: Don't you rattle your skeleton in my court! Your being here at all constitutes a treachery to the entire white community that's too colossal to be believed!

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Burgess Meredith Facts
His father was a doctor, and his mother a Methodist revivalist.

Father of two (with fourth wife Kaja Sundsten): son Jonathon (musician) and daughter Tala (painter)

Despite his character dying in Rocky III (1982), he has appeared in every Rocky film, as either the real character, a flashback, or through archive footage.

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