Ronald Squire Overview:

Character actor, Ronald Squire, was born Ronald Squirl on Mar 25, 1886 in Tiverton, England. Squire died at the age of 72 on Nov 16, 1958 in London, England .


Bald, burly, affable British actor with beaming smile and splendid mustache. He found himself billed above the title in middle age, following many years on stage as actor, producer, and director, having started his long career with seaside concert parties. Continued to be popular in film roles up to his death.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



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Ronald Squire Quotes:

Sir Philip: Listen Scotty, pilots and desks, dogs and cats, natural enemies. We've got a theme song, you can laugh, pilot's error. Whenever anything goes wrong with their calculations and there's a smash up, pilot's error. Rosie. You remember Harry Ward?
Dennis Scott: Yes I do.
Sir Philip: Well look at what they did to him. He was piloting that Reindeer when it flew into the hill at Labrador a couple of motnhs ago. All in little pieces, nothing to go on. Pilot dead, so pilot's error.
Dennis Scott: You don't think it was pilot's error.
Sir Philip: With Harry Ward, Scott? You can't be serious. They said he was dropping off altitude in an overcast. He wouldn't do a crazy thing like that, he'd be tried. Rosie, if you can tear yourself away from the salt mines for a couple of minutes, we would like a couple of wodkas.

Sir Philip: Scotty, meet Rosie, she's a spy. Wait till you see her bedroom, it's absolutely papered in blueprints.

Doctor: That nonsense about Englishwomen being icebergs is a mere fallacy made up by the French.

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Ronald Squire Facts
Father was a British army colonel.

Attended Wellington College, then trained at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.

British character actor from the Liverpool Repertory stage who played vain comedy roles in the 40s and 50s.

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