Matches in people

Biff Elliot Biff Elliot Born on Jul 26, 1923 in Lynn (MA), died Aug 15, 2012 in Studio City (CA)

Elliot Silverstein Elliot Silverstein Born on Aug 3, 1927 in Boston (MA)

Stephen Boyd Stephen Boyd Born on Jul 4, 1931 in Glengormley (UK), died Jun 2, 1977 in Northridge (CA)

Stephen McNally Stephen McNally Born on Jul 29, 1913 in New York City (NY), died Jun 4, 1994 in Beverly Hills (CA)

Steve Allen Steve Allen Born on Dec 26, 1921 in New York City (NY), died Oct 30, 2000 in Encino (CA)

Richard Dreyfuss Richard Dreyfuss Born on Oct 29, 1947 in Brooklyn (NY)

Matches in movies

The Crimes of Stephen Hawke The Crimes of Stephen Hawke (1936)