Stephen McNally Overview:

Actor, Stephen McNally, was born Horace Vincent McNally on Jul 29, 1913 in New York City, NY. McNally died at the age of 80 on Jun 4, 1994 in Beverly Hills, CA .



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Stephen McNally Quotes:

Marshal Lightning Tyrone: Maybe this is your way of getting Rat Face back, hanh? Even swap - Rat Face for Rod? That your idea, Johnny?
Johnny Sombrero: You're scratchin' in the wrong place!
Marshal Lightning Tyrone: The only way to turn up worms is by scratchin' for them!

Sally: You'll have to go without me Sam. Maybe I'm selfish. All I want is what every woman wants - a home - a place in the town where she lives - and an honest husband.
Sam Leeds: Yeah, it all adds up kind of dull and tame - - like Joe Madden.

Stella McCormick: He's a... something even you can't pronounce!
Locky McCormick: Probably something not fit to mention.

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