Trail of Kit Carson

Trail of Kit Carson

Bill Harmon: Hi!
John Benton: How are you, stranger?
Bill Harmon: Oh, as well as can be expected, I guess.
John Benton: Well, I always say, if you keep your expectations small, your disappointments won't be so big.

--Tom London (as ) in Trail of Kit Carson

Alias Billy the Kid

Alias Billy the Kid

Dakota: I'm going to perforate his mangy carcass!

--Tom London (as ) in Alias Billy the Kid

Santa Fe Stampede

Santa Fe Stampede

Marshal Jim Wood: Judge Hixon, the prisoner seems to want an early trial. Do you think you can accommodate him?
Judge Henry J. Hixon: Well yes, Marshal, I think I can arrange it. I've done it before.
Marshal Jim Wood: Oh, no, Judge. This is going to be a fair trial.

--Tom London (as ) in Santa Fe Stampede

Jesse James Rides Again

Jesse James Rides Again

Sam Bolton: Who is it, Ann?
Ann Bolton: A couple of strangers wanting information about the roads. I told them to water their horses and come in to talk to you.
[Ann quickly leaves the room]
Sam Bolton: Do you think I should change, too?

--Tom London (as ) in Jesse James Rides Again

Jesse James Rides Again

Jesse James Rides Again

Ann Bolton: What's the reason for all this violence and terrorism?
Sam Bolton: Well, honey, if we had the answers to those questions, we wouldn't have to be cleaning these firearms now.

--Tom London (as ) in Jesse James Rides Again

King of the Forest Rangers

King of the Forest Rangers

Forest Ranger Capt. Steve King: Who were they, Tom?
Tom Judson [Ch. 1]: They were after this rug and I think the man who sent them was...
[Tom dies]

--Tom London (as Tom Judson [Ch. 1]) in King of the Forest Rangers

King of the Forest Rangers

King of the Forest Rangers

[discussing a rug with pictographs embroidered on it]
Prof. Carver: What is your theory, Tom?
Tom Judson [Ch. 1]: Well, buried treasure. I still think that's kind of a plot to tell us how to find it.
Prof. Carver: Preposterous.
Tom Judson [Ch. 1]: Whatever that means. See, the trouble with you archeologists is you have too much education and not enough common horse sense.

--Tom London (as Tom Judson [Ch. 1]) in King of the Forest Rangers

Rough Riders of Cheyenne

Rough Riders of Cheyenne

[last lines]
Sheriff: Maybe now Paradise Valley's gonna have a chance to live up to its name.

--Tom London (as ) in Rough Riders of Cheyenne

All Quiet on the Western Front

All Quiet on the Western Front

Second orderly: Your deal. Get his name and number?
Medic Orderly: Yeah. Corporal Stanislaus Katczinsky, 306.

--Tom London (as Medic Orderly) in All Quiet on the Western Front