Frankie and Johnny

Frankie and Johnny

Clint Braden: Hey, piano player.
Cully: Yes, Mr. Braden.
Clint Braden: Tonight try to play the notes the way that they were written.
Cully: I'll use both hands.
Clint Braden: And if your pal Johnny is late again, I hope he can dance with a broken leg.
Cully: That's what I like about you, boss. Always ready with a pat on the back.

--Harry Morgan (as Cully) in Frankie and Johnny

The Ox-Bow Incident

The Ox-Bow Incident

Art Croft: [talking about Gil Carter] Whenever he gets low in spirits or confused in his mind, he doesn't feel right until he's had a fight. It doesn't matter whether he wins or not. He feels fine again afterwards.

--Harry Morgan (as Art Croft) in The Ox-Bow Incident

Scandal Sheet

Scandal Sheet

Biddle: You know that wasn't a bad looking dame. Too bad the guy used an axe on her head. Spoiled some pretty pictures for me.

--Harry Morgan (as Biddle) in Scandal Sheet

Strategic Air Command

Strategic Air Command

Lt. Col. Robert 'Dutch' Holland: You got any kids?
Sgt. Bible: Yep, two. One on the ramp, one in the hangar!

--Harry Morgan (as Sgt. Bible) in Strategic Air Command

Frankie and Johnny

Frankie and Johnny

Princess Zolita: The leaves are ready to speak.
Cully: No lemon?
Gypsy: The tea leaves have spoken.
Princess Zolita: If you do not mind, I work alone!
Cully: What do they spell, Mother?
Princess Zolita: How lucky you are, the wheel of fortune has stopped at your number.
Johnny: A wheel? That's roulette.
Princess Zolita: And I see a dice table, too.
Cully: No blackjack? This boy plays all games.
Princess Zolita: And a new woman is coming into your life. A beautiful, young redhead.
Johnny: It can't be a redhead, Princess. My girl's a blonde. Take another look.
Princess Zolita: Now I see a blonde. Oh, but she has been bad luck for you. The tea leaves say... you will have good luck with the redhead.
Cully: I know better, I married one. Take the advice of a 20-year loser, no redheads.
Princess Zolita: He must not defy the tea leaves.
Cully: How are you going to explain her to Frankie?
Johnny: Why explain? We'll just use her to make a bundle.
Cully: You're going to pass off a beautiful redhead as a good-luck piece? Good luck.
Gypsy: If, uh, if I may be so crude.
Johnny: Oh, sure.
[Johnny hands a $10 bill to the princess]
Gypsy: If you please. The princess never soils her royal hands with money. $10? When the tea leaves promise a beautiful redhead, it is $20.
Cully: A lot of money for a cup of tea. That's a gypsy for you. Takes all your dough so you can't take her advice.
Princess Zolita: Minor problems like that I cannot solve.
Cully: Maybe you can get another advance from Braden.
Johnny: Not a chance. I'm already in for five weeks' salary.
Cully: That you lost right back into his pocket. Braden's got a nice little thing going there.

--Harry Morgan (as Cully) in Frankie and Johnny

High Noon

High Noon

Sam: (to his wife) Well, whaddya want? Do you want me to get killed? Do you want to be a widow, is that what you want?

--Harry Morgan (as Sam Fuller) in High Noon