Frankie and Johnny Overview:

Frankie and Johnny (1966) was a Comedy - Drama Film directed by Frederick de Cordova and produced by Edward Small and Alex Gottlieb.

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Quotes from Frankie and Johnny

Johnny: Are you a real redhead?
Nellie Bly: I'm a real everything.
Johnny: What's your lucky number?
Nellie Bly: 1. One at a time.
Johnny: One it is. Would you mind giving them your magic touch? Just for luck. You better get the bottom one too. By this time tomorrow, this ship should be the S.S. Johnny. What's your name, Lucky?
Nellie Bly: Nellie. Nellie Bly.
Johnny: Welcome aboard!
Cully: That's it, Bly! I need a name to rhyme with "eye" for a new song I'm writing. Now I got it. Nellie Bly!
Johnny: You're going to be made famous in a song.
Nellie Bly: Well, I've tried every other way.
Johnny: [as the roulette wheel spins] I don't even have to look. I know it's going to be number 1.
[finally the tiny silver ball falls into the number "1" slot of the wheel]
Cully: Ha! Ha! Maybe that gypsy knew something.
Johnny: Maybe? My future just got here!

Clint Braden: Hey, piano player.
Cully: Yes, Mr. Braden.
Clint Braden: Tonight try to play the notes the way that they were written.
Cully: I'll use both hands.
Clint Braden: And if your pal Johnny is late again, I hope he can dance with a broken leg.
Cully: That's what I like about you, boss. Always ready with a pat on the back.

Johnny: Don't worry. Did you ever know a gambler who couldn't promote a little betting money?
Gypsy: You also need Chesay.
Cully: Chesay? Who's that?
Gypsy: Chesay is gypsy good luck!

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Facts about Frankie and Johnny

Elvis Presley started working on the film on 11 April 1965.
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