Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: I'm very happy you are working with me! And we're together again.
Tuco: I get dressed, I kill him and be right back.
Blondie: Listen, I forgot to mention... He's not alone. There's five of 'em.
Tuco: Five?
Blondie: Yeah, five of 'em.
Tuco: So, that's why you came to Tuco.
Tuco: It doesn't matter, I'll kill them all.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: One bastard goes in, another one comes out.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: There are two kinds of people in the world, my friend: Those with a rope around the neck, and the people who have the job of doing the cutting.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: There are two kinds of spurs, my friend. Those that come in by the door; those that come in by the window.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: You became a priest because you were too much of a coward to do what I do.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: You never had a rope around your neck. Well, I'm going to tell you something. When that rope starts to pull tight, you can feel the Devil bite your ass.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: You want to know who you are? Huh? You want to know who's son you are? You don't, I do, everybody does... you're the son of a thousand fathers, all bastards like you.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

[a dying man has information Tuco wants]
Tuco: Don't die, I'll get you water. Stay there. Don't move, I'll get you water. Don't die until later.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

[as they set out across the desert]
Tuco: If you save your breath I feel a man like you can manage it. And if you don't manage it, you'll die. Only slowly, very slowly old friend.

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood
(as Blondie)

[surveying some Civil War carnage]
Blondie: I've never seen so many men wasted so badly.

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