Eli Wallach Overview:

Character actor, Eli Wallach, was born Eli Herschel Wallach on Dec 7, 1915 in Brooklyn, NY. Wallach died at the age of 98 on Jun 24, 2014 in Manhattan, NY .


Dark-haired, plum-nosed American actor who always looked like he was about to say something forceful, even when he wasn't. Started sensationally in Baby Doll (after nearly 20 years as a stage actor), then played extrovert villains, with some nicely-played light comedy roles thrown in, sometimes opposite his wife, Anne Jackson (married 1948). The rasping voice was redolent of his native Brooklyn.

(Source: available at Amazon Quinlan's Film Character Actors: an Illustrated Directory).



However he won one Honorary Award in 2010 for a lifetime's worth of indelible screen characters .

Eli Wallach BlogHub Articles:

Remembering Eli Wallach + 5 of His Films

By Will McKinley on Jun 26, 2014 From Cinematically Insane

Sometime in the mid-1990s, on the corner of 82nd Street and Riverside Drive, I stopped to gawk at an icon. “Yes, it’s me,” Eli Wallach said, apparently accustomed to silent, slack-jawed admirers on New York City street corners. He?greeted me with a smile, shook my hand, and patted ... Read full article

God Speed Eli Wallach (1915-2014)

By Raquel Stecher on Jun 26, 2014 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

What’s not to love about Eli Wallach? He could play despicable characters and still be utterly charming. And over the years his charisma grew and as an old man he was just adorable in both a sweet way and one that just lent itself to adoration. Eli Wallach is one of my favorite actors and I... Read full article

Eli Wallach 1915 – 2014

By Marisa on Jun 25, 2014 From The Timothy Carey Experience

Carey’s final project as a film director is Godfarter III (1989), an audition piece for [Francis Ford] Coppola, who was looking to cast the role of an elderly Mafia don for The Godfather: Part III (1990). Coppola considered Carey too young for the part (and may also have been put off by Carey&... Read full article

'Til Death Do Us Part ~ Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson

By Google profile on Jun 17, 2012 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

About MeBlogger, Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog and more. Please add my Google profile to your circles. Eli Wallach and Anne Jackson Married 64 years and counting Both Wallach and Jackson are method actors who met during a theater production of This Property is Condemned in 1946. ... Read full article

Stars & Their Hobbies ~ Eli Wallach

By Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

"Let me tell you a little about myself. As an actor I've played more bandits, thieves, killers, war lords, molesters and mafiose that you can shake a stick at... As a civilian I collect antique clocks, tell endless stories of my days as a medic in World War II, watch every tennis match, live for my ... Read full article

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Eli Wallach Quotes:

Silva Vacarro: Come on up and sing me to sleep!

Guido: Boy I must be in the wrong house!
Guido: The only thing this guy ever did for a woman was get out the ice cubes.

[Cacopoulos holds up a wealthy young man]
Cacopoulos: So don't worry, I just need a small amount. Just enough for the bare necessities.
[looks at the money]
Cacopoulos: Well, no. Money corrupts men, it softens him. So to keep you young and pure, I think I'll take everything.

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Eli Wallach Facts
In an interview on "Fresh Air" (on station WHYY in Philadephia, Pennsylvania), he explained to Terry Gross that he learned to ride horses at the University of Texas: He took care of the polo ponies. During the filming of the The Magnificent Seven (1960), each morning he would ride a few hours with his gang.

Is blind in the left eye due to a stroke.

Was trained at The Neighborhood Playhouse in New York.

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