Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Jackson: The name on the grave is... water
Tuco: In the cemetary, okay, in the grave okay! But it must have a name or a number on it! Talk, damn you!

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: [in the cave where his friends Pedro, Chico and Ramon are hiding] If you work for a living,why do you kill yourself working?

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood
(as Blondie)

Tuco: [trying to read a grave that is marked "Unknown"] Un-k... un-k... there's no name on it.
Blondie: [showing him a stone] There's no name here, either. See, that's what Bill Carson told me. It was the grave marked "Unknown", right beside Arch Stanton.

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood
(as Blondie)

Tuco: [trying to read a note] "See you soon, id... " "id... " "ids... "
Blondie: [taking the note] "Idiots". It's for you.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: Hey! Hey everybody look! He's giving him the filthy money! JUDAS! You sold my HIDE!

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood
(as Blondie)

Tuco: Hurrah! Hurrah for the Confederacy! HURRAH! Down with General Grant! Hurrah for General... What's his name? Lee! LEE! Ha ha. God is with us because he hates the Yanks too. HURRAH!
Blondie: [spits] God is not on our side because he hates idiots also.
[the commander of the cavalry patrol they've met reveals his blue uniform]

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: I like big fat men like you. When they fall they make more noise. And sometimes they don't get up.

Mario Brega

Mario Brega
(as Cpl. Wallace)

Tuco: I would like to piss, it's rough. I've been shaking up in this train nearly ten hours now.
Cpl. Wallace: You smell like a pig already. Let's try not to make things any worse.

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood
(as Blondie)

Tuco: I'll kill you.
Blondie: If you do that... you'll always be poor... just like the greasy rat you are.

Eli Wallach

Eli Wallach
(as Tuco)

Tuco: I'm looking for the owner of that horse. He's tall, blonde, he smokes a cigar, and he's a pig!

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