Column South

Column South

Capt. Lee Whitlock: The time may come, Lieutenant, when the North and the South are at each other's throat. But as of right now, there's no war being fought. We are all still in the same army.
Lt. Jed Sayre: I'm glad you feel that way, sir.
Capt. Lee Whitlock: That's the way I expect every officer and man in this post to feel. And if they don't feel it, they can act it.

--Robert Sterling (as ) in Column South

The Sundowners

The Sundowners

Tom Cloud: I think you know who killed Juan.
Sheriff Elmer Gall: All right. It was you who horned into this valley when there wasn't room for you.
Tom Cloud: I made room - about fifteen mile!
Sheriff Elmer Gall: Yeah, and if you expect me to hold onto it for you, you can go rope a duck.
Tom Cloud: I don't expect anything from you. I came here to report a murder. And that's the last I'll hear of it.
Sheriff Elmer Gall: I'm not so sure. I'm getting pretty sick of the trouble you bring on.
Tom Cloud: Trouble? You don't know the meaning of the word.

--Robert Sterling (as Tom Cloud) in The Sundowners

The Sundowners

The Sundowners

James Cloud: It's a lucky thing for you, I happened to be passing through.
Tom Cloud: And you are gonna to keep on passing through too.
James Cloud: Why you kill me if I don't?
Tom Cloud: You know... someday it might come to that.

--Robert Sterling (as Tom Cloud) in The Sundowners

Column South

Column South

Brig. Gen. B.N. Stone: I was told you were a man of intense loyalty... deeply devoted to the cause.
Capt. Lee Whitlock: The cause? Causes may start wars, but they don't win them!

--Robert Sterling (as ) in Column South