Holmes Herbert

Holmes Herbert

Admiral Lord Streetly: [First Lines] The two French squadrons are here now, Benthum, off Tunis. They plan to sail directly to Port Said and proceed through the canal and join our fleet for their maneuvers in the Red Sea.
Bentham: When exactly will they reach the canal?
Admiral Lord Streetly: We had a wire from the French Admiral this morning, says, "Fleet arrives Port Said, 23 o'clock, 16 instant, compliments, Delacour Admiral, Commanding."
Bentham: That's even less time than I thought. Isn't it possible to delay them somehow?

Peter Lorre

Peter Lorre

Danforth - aka Richard Burke: Moto, I'm beginning to believe all the stories I've heard about you.
Mr. Kentaro Moto: Please do not. I do not.
