Holmes Herbert Overview:

Character actor, Holmes Herbert, was born Horace Edward Jenner on Jul 30, 1882 in Mansfield, England. Herbert died at the age of 74 on Dec 26, 1956 in Hollywood, CA .


Character Actor, Holmes Herbert appeared in over 230 films, both Silent and Sound, over the course of 35 years (1915-1952), although many of his roles from 1935 through the end of his career were uncredited. He played his share of dignified British gents, sirs, doctors and judges -- including Dr. Lanyon in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) and the Chief of Police in The Invisible Man (1933). He also appeared in some of the Sherlock Holmes' movies (in different roles) starring Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes and the Secret Weapon, Sherlock Holmes in Washington, The Pearl of Death, and Dressed to Kill.

Herbert was married three times -- his first marriage was to actress Beryl Mercer (divorced), his second to Elinor Kershaw Ince (divorced), widow of film mogulThomas H. Ince, and his third to Agnes Bartholomew who passed away in 1955, leaving him a widower. 

(Source: article by Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub).



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Holmes Herbert Quotes:

Admiral Lord Streetly: [First Lines] The two French squadrons are here now, Benthum, off Tunis. They plan to sail directly to Port Said and proceed through the canal and join our fleet for their maneuvers in the Red Sea.
Bentham: When exactly will they reach the canal?
Admiral Lord Streetly: We had a wire from the French Admiral this morning, says, "Fleet arrives Port Said, 23 o'clock, 16 instant, compliments, Delacour Admiral, Commanding."
Bentham: That's even less time than I thought. Isn't it possible to delay them somehow?

Dr. Lanyon: You're a rebel, and see what it has done for you. You're in the power of this monster that you have created.
Dr. Jekyll: I'll never take that drug again!
Dr. Lanyon: Yes, but you told me you became that monster tonight not of your own accord. It will happen again.
Dr. Jekyll: It never will. I'm sure of it. I'll conquer it!
Dr. Lanyon: Too late. You cannot conquer it. It has conquered you!

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Holmes Herbert Facts
He is the only actor to have appeared in both the 1931 Paramount film version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931) and in the film The Son of Dr. Jekyll (1951), although he received no screen credit in the latter film.

Immigrated to the U.S.A. in 1912.

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