Joan Fontaine

Joan Fontaine
(as Ivy Lexton)

Jervis Lexton: [as Ivy is poisoning him] All this stupid expense of doctors and nonsense, you must hate me for it.
Ivy Lexton: No, I don't hate you. I sometimes wish I weren't so fond of you.

Joan Fontaine

Joan Fontaine
(as Ivy Lexton)

Ivy Lexton: [about Jervis] I don't think I've been very fair to him you know.
Roger Gretorex: Fair? He's held you in his arms, people point you out as his wife. I think he's just about the luckiest man in England.
Ivy Lexton: Well that's sweet Roger, but we are rather forgetting that i'm married to him.

Herbert Marshall

Herbert Marshall
(as Miles Rushworth)

Miles Rushworth: I've always believed that the most despicable thing a man can do is make love to another man's wife.