Katharine Alexander

Katharine Alexander
(as Alda)

Alda: [the clock has just chimed loudly and startled the Baron Cesarea] Midnight - and everyone's calm and collected excepting the Baron.

Helen Westley

Helen Westley
(as Stephanie)

Stephanie: Love is music and love is poetry!

Evelyn Venable

Evelyn Venable
(as Grazia)

Grazia: [to Corradio about the shadow following their car] Let's lose it! Let's go fast enough to reach the illimitanle!

Henry Travers

Henry Travers
(as Baron Cesarea)

Baron Cesarea: [Corrado is driving the car at full speed] Apparently, my reward for a misspent life is not to be a peaceful death in bed!

Henry Travers

Henry Travers
(as Baron Cesarea)

Baron Cesarea: I think you're all wrong to be afraid. I talked to him about dying, and he said "Has it ever occurred to you that Death may be simpler than Life and infinitely more kind?"
Duke Lambert: He said that?
Baron Cesarea: Yes... and when he spoke, I had a curious feeling that somehow he knew.
