Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

King David: Michal, I cannot find it in my heart to blame you for what you do... but you, Absalom, my son, have I given you cause to hate me so?

Raymond Massey

Raymond Massey

King David: That soldier who laid his hands on the Ark - he was only trying to be helpful.
Nathan: It is not for us to question the ways of the Lord.
King David: I question nothing, yet the sun was hot that day, the man had been drinking wine, all were excited when the ark began to fall. Is it not possible that the man might have died naturally from other causes?
Nathan: All causes are from God!

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

King David: Your sarcasm is wasted. We both know that royalty is a fraud.
Michal: It was no fraud when my father was king.
King David: And I've never denied that Saul was every inch a king.
Michal: [bitterly] And his successor every inch a fraud!
King David: I will not argue that either.

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Joab: Sire?
King David: Hmmm?
Joab: You're wounded. Let me call for a physician.
King David: No, no, let it alone. It's a long time since I've shed any blood. It's good to have proof that it still runs in my veins.

Gregory Peck

Gregory Peck

Bathsheba: [as David tries to kiss her in an open field] No, David! The boy! He'll see us!
King David: [David looks at the shepherd boy] No matter. Shepherd boys learn early about life.
Bathsheba: Did you, David?
King David: Did I what?
Bathsheba: Learn about life early?
King David: Before I was 12, I knew everything there was to know about life. At 12 I'd killed wolves... at 13 a man.

Susan Hayward

Susan Hayward

Bathsheba: Perhaps you would prefer truth to honesty, Sire.