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Accidents Will Happen

Accidents Will Happen (1938)

Torchy Blane in Panama

Torchy Blane in Panama (1938)

Nancy Drew -- Detective

Nancy Drew -- Detective (1938)

Campus Cinderella

Campus Cinderella (1938)

Border G-Man

Border G-Man (1938)

Lawless Valley

Lawless Valley (1938)

Painted Desert

Painted Desert (1938)

Dad and Dave Come to Town

Dad and Dave Come to Town (1938)

Ernest the Rebel

Ernest the Rebel (1938)

His Lordship Regrets

His Lordship Regrets (1938)

Hôtel du Nord

Hôtel du Nord (1938)

Mademoiselle ma mère

Mademoiselle ma mère (1938)

Anything to Declare?

Anything to Declare? (1938)

A Spot of Bother

A Spot of Bother (1938)

This Man Is News

This Man Is News (1938)


Sharpshooters (1938)

Passport Husband

Passport Husband (1938)

Five of a Kind

Five of a Kind (1938)

Keep Smiling

Keep Smiling (1938)

Love on a Budget

Love on a Budget (1938)

Prairie Moon

Prairie Moon (1938)

Little Miss Roughneck

Little Miss Roughneck (1938)

The Loves of Madame Dubarry

The Loves of Madame Dubarry (1938)

Convict 99

Convict 99 (1938)