Nancy Drew -- Detective Overview:

Nancy Drew -- Detective (1938) was a Drama - Mystery Film directed by William Clemens and produced by Bryan Foy.

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Quotes from

Carson Drew: Those men are not going to stand for Nancy Drew poking her little nose into their affairs.

Nancy Drew: I guess it's just my woman's intuition. Every woman has one, you know.

Nancy Drew: Well, if you must insult me, you might at least do it in English!

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Facts about

Adapted from the "Nancy Drew" novel, "The Password to Larkspur Lane," first published in 1933. The original author of the novel was Walter Karig (using the Stratemayer Syndicate house pseudonym, "Carolyn Keene"). In the "Nancy Drew" books, Nancy's boyfriend is named Ned Nickerson. For the 1938-39 movie series, his name was changed to Ted Nickerson (played by Frankie Thomas).
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Also released in 1938

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