And Then There Were None Overview:

And Then There Were None (1945) was a Crime - Drama Film directed by René Clair and produced by René Clair, Leo C. Popkin and Harry M. Popkin.


An Agatha Christie tale told four times on film, this is still the best. Ten guests on an isolated island are murdered one by one. The only clue: a children's nursery rhyme. A black comedy-mystery with terrific performances.

(Source: available at Amazon AMC Classic Movie Companion).


And Then There Were None BlogHub Articles:

Five Fun Facts: And Then There Were None (1945)

By Annmarie Gatti on Mar 14, 2022 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Five Fun Facts: And Then There Were None (1945) ….. 1) Can you say best-seller? And Then There Were None, Agatha Christie’s mystery novel, was not only one of Christie’s own favorite books but also one of the world’s favorites! As a matter of fact, according to N... Read full article

Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, and Louis Hayward in "And Then There Were None"

By Stephen Reginald on Dec 3, 2021 From Classic Movie Man

Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, and Louis Hayward in "And Then There Were None" And Then There Were None (1945) is a mystery movie directed by Rene Clair and starring Barry Fitzgerald, Walter Huston, and Louis Hayward. The film is an adaptation of Agatha Christie's 1939 novel of the same name... Read full article

What?s Streaming in March on the CMH Channel at Best Classics Ever? And Then There Were None, Oliver Twist, Shine On Harvest Moon.

By Annmarie Gatti on Feb 28, 2021 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Our March Picks on the Classic Movie Hub ChannelMarch Birthdays and Vintage Westerns! It?s that time again? We have our monthly free streaming picks for our Classic Movie Hub Channel at Best Classics Ever (BCE) ? the mega streaming channel for classic movies and TV shows! That said, here are s... Read full article

Free Streaming in July on the CMH Channel at Best Classics Ever ? Santa Fe Trail, And Then There Were None, Penny Serenade and More

By Annmarie Gatti on Jul 5, 2020 From Classic Movie Hub Blog

Classic Movie Hub’s July picks for our CMH-Curated BCE ChannelMore than 40 Titles Streaming Free All Month Long! As we announced last month, we are thrilled?to have?partnered?with?Best Classics Ever (BCE), a mega streaming channel dedicated to classic films and TV shows! And, we are prou... Read full article

Classic Films in Focus: AND THEN THERE WERE NONE (1945)

By Jennifer Garlen on Oct 26, 2015 From Virtual Virago

Long a staple of high school and community drama programs, Agatha Christie's stage version of And Then There Were None is a little less murderous than the original novel but still packed with good parts. The 1945 film adaptation, directed by Rene Clair, stocks those parts with truly memorable charac... Read full article

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Quotes from And Then There Were None

Emily Brent: Very stupid to kill the only servant in the house. Now we don't even know where to find the marmalade.

Detective William Henry Blore: [every time he's about to make some blunder] I get it!

Emily Brent: If I had a butler like Rogers, I'd soon get rid of him.

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Facts about And Then There Were None

Emily Brent's line, "Those whom the gods would destroy..." is from the Greek dramatist Euripides. "The wicked flee . . ." is from the Book of Proverbs.
This movie, as all existent versions of "Ten Little Indians," is based not on the novel by Agatha Christie but on her very similar play. While the identity of the murderer is the same in both versions, the outcome of who survives the murderer's plot is very different.
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