Zulu Overview:

Zulu (1964) was a Action - Adventure Film directed by Cy Endfield and produced by Joseph E. Levine, Stanley Baker and Cy Endfield.

BlogHub Articles:

Zulu (1964)

By Beatrice on Apr 16, 2018 From Flickers in Time

Zulu Directed by Cy Endfield Written by John Prebble and Cy Endfield 1964/UK Diamond Films First viewing/Netflix rental Adendorff: What the hell do you mean “cowardly blacks?” They died on your side, didn’t they? And who the hell do you think is coming to wipe out your little com... Read full article

Zulu (1964)

By Amanda Garrett on Mar 17, 2018 From Old Hollywood Films

Michael Caine as Lt. Gonville Bromhead in the war film Zulu (1964). This article is part of The Marvellous Michael Caine Blogathon hosted by RealWeegieMidget Reviews. Old Hollywood studios produced dozens of films about the British Empire from the 1930s through the 1960s. One of the last and b... Read full article

Zulu (1964)

By L? on Jul 31, 2015 From Critica Retro

Zulu (1964) A hist?ria ? t?o velha quanto a humanidade: um grupo invade o espa?o de outro por considerar-se mais evolu?do / civilizado. O discurso ? de boas inten??es, de levar conhecimentos e religi?o para o povo inferior, mas o choque de culturas ? mais forte que qualquer ato de bondade, ... Read full article

Zulu (1964)

By L? on Nov 30, -0001 From Critica Retro

Zulu (1964) A hist?ria ? t?o velha quanto a humanidade: um grupo invade o espa?o de outro por considerar-se mais evolu?do / civilizado. O discurso ? de boas inten??es, de levar conhecimentos e religi?o para o povo inferior, mas o choque de culturas ? mais forte que qualquer ato de bondade, ... Read full article

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Quotes from

Lieutenant John Chard: I came here to build a bridge.

Private Henry Hook: [Throws Sergeant Maxfield across his shoulder] Twenty eight days field punishment! No pay! You know what he did? Sent my money to my Missus.
[Slaps Sereant Maxfield's buttocks]
Private Henry Hook: What did you do that for?

Lieutenant Gonville Bromhead: Now there's a bitter pill. Our own damned rifles!

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Facts about

Director Cy Endfield wanted a camera crane that was lightweight when disassembled so that it could be packed and transported through the African bush. Ken Eddy designed the first Filmair Giraffe camera crane for the job and in so doing began the world's best known camera crane company. This key piece of film gear is still used in the movie industry.
The opening and closing narration is read by Richard Burton.
In real life, Lt. Bromhead, played by Michael Caine as an arrogant "upper class twit", was extremely deaf. It was much more for this reason - rather than the few months' precedence in gaining his commission which Chard (Stanley Baker) claims in the movie - that Bromhead agreed to relinquish command. Chard's precedence, historically, was closer to three years than to the much more dramatic matter of months.
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Also directed by Cy Endfield

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Also produced by Joseph E. Levine

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Also released in 1964

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