Women in Love Overview:

Women in Love (1969) was a Drama - Romance Film directed by Ken Russell and produced by Martin Rosen, Larry Kramer and Roy Baird.

Academy Awards 1970 --- Ceremony Number 43 (source: AMPAS)

Best ActressGlenda JacksonWon
Best CinematographyBilly WilliamsNominated
Best DirectorKen RussellNominated
Best WritingLarry KramerNominated

Women in Love BlogHub Articles:

The Classic Film Collective: Career Women in Love: Ex-Lady (1933), The First Hundred Years (1938) and Woman of the Year (1942)

By Raquel Stecher on Nov 30, -0001 From Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog

This was originally published in the former The Classic Film Collective Patreon.As someone who appreciates classic movies while also watching them through a contemporary lens, I look for the subtle or not so subtle signs of feminism in early films. I want to see how the role of women evolved over th... Read full article

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Quotes from Women in Love

Rupert Birkin: It almost breaks my heart. My beloved country. It had something to express, even when it made this chair. Now all we can do is to fish amongst rubbish heaps... for remnants of the old expression. There's no production in us anymore... just sordid and foul mechanicalness.
Ursula Brangwen: I hate your past. I'm sick of it.
Rupert Birkin: Not as sick as I am of the accursed present.
Ursula Brangwen: Well, I don't want the past to take its place. I don't want old things.
Rupert Birkin: The truth is, we don't want things at all. The thought of a house and furniture of my own is hateful to me.

Ursula Brangwen: And all men are either lovers or husbands. Why not both?
Rupert Birkin: No. One excludes the other.

Rupert Birkin: I do believe in a permanent union between a man and a woman. Chopping about is merely an exhaustive process. But a permanent relationship between a man and a woman isn't the last word. lt certainly isn't.
Gerald Crich: Quite.
Rupert Birkin: We have to take down this love-and-marriage ideal from its pedestal. We want something broader. I believe in the additional perfect relationship, between man and man. Additional to marriage.
Gerald Crich: I don't see how they can be the same.
Rupert Birkin: No, not the same, but equally important... equally creative, equally sacred, if you like.
Gerald Crich: I know you believe something like that. Only, I can't feel it, do you see?

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Facts about Women in Love

According to director Ken Russell, the film is set in the year 1920, just two years after the end of World War I.
First film of Christopher Gable.
Glenda Jackson was pregnant throughout the shoot. In referring to her nude scenes, she said she'd never had such a "wonderful bosom."
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