Winners of the West Overview:

Winners of the West (1940) was a Western - Adventure Film directed by Ford Beebe and Ray Taylor and produced by Henry MacRae.

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Claire Hartford: Well, I don't understand how you can take these things so lightly.
Jeff Ramsay: Well, as long as you got to take 'em, that's the only way to do it.

King Carter: Snakeye, you go to War Eagle's village at once. Tell him he must send out war parties - cover every trail - no white man must get through to the fort or the telegraph!

King Carter: You know, Ramsay, you and I have a lot in common. It's too bad we can't work together.
Jeff Ramsay: Yes, but it's what we haven't got in common that keeps us on opposite sides of the fence.

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Chapter Titles:
  • 1. Redskins Ride Again
  • 2. The Wreck at Red River Gorge
  • 3. The Bridge of Disaster
  • 4. Trapped by Redskins
  • 5. Death Strikes the Trail
  • 6. A Leap For Life
  • 7. Thundering Terror
  • 8.The Flaming Arsenal
  • 9.Sacrificed by Savages
  • 10.Under Crashing Timbers
  • 11.Bullets in the Dark
  • 12.The Battle of Blackhawk
  • 13.Barricades Blasted

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Also directed by Ford Beebe

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Also produced by Henry MacRae

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Also released in 1940

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